Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2744] picnic.
[2745] And you, Maurice, she added, stay by the dinghy.
[2746] She
called that a dinghy.
[2747] The thin one chafed to run about, but the
youth had thrown himself down in the shade of a rock, like
Soerdello, but less noble, but for Sordello resembled a lion at rest,
and clung to it with both hands.
[2748] The poor creatures, said Lady
Pedal, let them loose.
[2749] Maurice made to obey. Keep off, said Lemuel.
[2750] The giant had refused to leave the boat, so that the Saxon could
not leave it either.
[2751] Macmann was not free eitgher, Lemuel held him
by the waist, perhaps lovingly.
[2752] Well, said Lady Pedal, you are the
one in charge.
[2753] She moved away with Ernest.
[2754] Suddenly she turned and
said, You know, on the island, there are Druid
[2755] remains.
[2756] She looked at them in turn.
[2757] When we have had our tea,
she said, we shall hunt for them, what do you say?
[2758] Finally she
moved away again, followed by Ernest carrying the hamper in his
[2759] When she had disappeared MLemuel released Macmann, went up
behind Maurice who was sititing on a stone filling his pipe and killed
him with the hatchet.
[2760] We're getting on , on, getting on.
[2761] The youth
and the giant took no notice.
[2762] The thin one broke his umbrella against
the rock, a curious gesture.
[2764] The Saxon cried, bending forward and slap
slapping his thighs, Nice work, sir, nice swork!!
[2765] A little later Ernest
came back to fetch them.
[2766] Going to meet him Lemuel killed him in his
turn, in the same way as the other.
[2767] It merely took a little longer.
[2768] Two decent, quiet, harmless men, brothers-in-law into the bargain,
there are billions of such brutes.
[2769] Macmann's huge head.
[2770] He has put
his hat on again.
[2772] The voice of MLady Pedal, calling.
[2773] She appeared,
[2774] Come along, she cried, all of you, before the tea gets
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt