Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1418] some of these little sticks or pegs are in fact cylindrical, still
more have no definable form.
[1419] But all are roughly two and a half
inches long and thus prevent the lappets from flying apart, all
have this feature in common.
[1420] Now with regard to the material of t
this coat, all that can be said is that it looks like felt.
[1421] And
the various dints and bulges inflicted upon it by the spasms
and contortions of the body subsist long after the fit is past.

Segment 2

[1422] So much for this coat. [1423] I'll tell myself stories about the boots
another time, if I can.
[1424] The hat, as hard as iron, superbly
domed above its narrow guttered rim, is marred by a wide crack or
rent extending in front from the crown down and intended probably
to facilitate the introduction of the skull.

Segment 3

[1425] For coat and hat
have this much in common, that whereas the coat is too big, the
hat is too small.
[1426] And though the edges of the split brim close
on the brow like the jaws of a trap, neverthless the hat is
attached, by a string, for safety, to the topmost button of the
coat, because, never mind.

Segment 4

[1427] And were there nothing more to be said
about the structure of this hat, the important thing would still
remain unsaid, meaning of course its colour, of which all that
can be said is this, that a strong sun full upon it brings out
shimmers of buff and pearl grey and that otherwise it verges on
black, without however ever really approaching it.

Segment 5

[1428] And it would
not surprise me to learn that this hat once belonged to a sport-
ing gentleman, a racegoer [place = inline] [] [place = supralinear] turf-man or breeder of rams.
[1429] And if we now turn
to consider this coat and this c [place = overwritten] hat, no longer separately, but in
relation to each other, we are very soon agreeable [place = overwritten] y surprised to

  • Segments