Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[0001] Stage in darkness but for
MOUTH, upstage audience right, about 8' above stage
level, faintly light from close up and below, rest
of face in shadow. Invisible microphone.
[0002] AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure [place = inline] , [place = margin left] sex undeterminable,
enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba, [place = margin right] with hood,
fully faintly lit, standing on invisible podium about
4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally
acf [place = overwritten] ross stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but [place = inline] for
four brief movements where indicated. See Note 1.
[0003] As house lights down MOUTH's voice unintelligible behind
curtain. House lights out. Voice continues unintelligible
behind curtain, 10 seconds. With rise of curtain ad-libbing [place = margin left] from text
as required leading when curtain fully up and attention
sufficient into
[0004] ..birth [place = supralinear] out..into this world..this world..tiny little thing..
before its a godfor - ..what? ..girl?..yes..tiny
little girl..into this [place = margin left] ..out into this..before her time..godforsaken hole matter..
[0005]parents unknown..unheard of..
he having vanished..thin sooner buttoned up his
breeches..she similarly..eight months later..almost to the
[0006]so no loved love..spared love such as nor-
mally visited [place = margin left] inflicted [place = supralinear] vented on the..speechless the
nor indeed for that matter any of any love of any any subsequent typical affair..nothing
of any note
[0007] till coming up to sixty when - ..what?
ty?..good God!..coming up to seventy when..wandering in
a field..looking aimlessly for make a ball..
a few steps then [place = supralinear] and stop..stare into space..then on..a few
more..stop and stare on..drifting around..when
suddenly..gradually..all went out..all that early April
morning light..and she found herself in the - ..what?..
who?..what?! [place = margin left]
..she....she!.. (pause and movement 1)..found
herself in the dark..
[0008]and if not exactly [place = margin left]
sentient..for she could still hear the!..
in the ears..and a ray of light came and went..came and
went..such as the moon might and out
of cloud..bur [place = overwritten] t dulled..feeling..feeling so dulled..she did
not know..what position she was in..imagine!..what position
she was in!..whether standing..ot [place = overwritten] r sitting..but the brain -
..what? ..kneeling?..yes..whether standing..or sitting..or
Reading University
Samuel Beckett
- Segments
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- Titles
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt