Digital Manuscript ProjectFin de partie / Endgame

[2089|001] What remains to be done.
[2089|002] Lingering.
[2090] Winding up.
[2092] Look at the Clov
[2093] Again?
[2094] Since it's calling to you.
land. earth.
[2115] You didn't see that ladder?
[2116] (He sees it.)
[2117] Ah, about time.
[2117|001] I knew it was I saw it
[2118] (He goes towards window left.)
[2119] Sometimes I wonder if I'm
in my roight mind.
[2120] Then it passes over and i'm as lucid
as before.
[2121] (He gets up on ladder, looks out of window.)
[2122] Mother of God,
[2123] she's under water!
[2124] (He looks.)
[2125] How can
that be?
[2126] (He pokes forward his head, his hand above his
[2127] It hasn't rained.
[2128] (He wipes the pane, looks. [2129] Pause.)
[2131] Ah what a fool I am!
[2132] It's I'm on the wrong the wrong side.
[2133] (He gets down,
takes a few paces towards window right.)
[2134] Under water!
[2135] (He goes back for the ladder.)
[2136] What a fool I am!
[2137] (He drags
ladder towards window right.)
[2138] Sometimes I wonder if I'm
in my right senses.
[2139] Then it passes off and I'm as intel-
ligent as ever.
[2140] (He sets down ladder under window right,
gets up on it, looks out of window. [2141] He turns towards
[2142] Any particular sector you're interested in? fancy [2144] Or
merely the whole thing lot?
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Fin de partie / Endgame © 2018 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt