Digital Manuscript ProjectFin de partie / Endgame

[2414] Enough!
[2418] But I feel too old, and
too far, to be able to form new habits.
[2419] Good, it'll never
end, I'll never go.
[2420] (Pause.)
[2421] Then suddenly, one day, the
things ends, changes, I don't understand, the thing it dies,
or it's me, I don't understand, that either.
[2422] I ask the
words that remain - sleep, waking, morning, evening.
[2423] They
have nothing to say.
[2424] (Payuse.)
[2425] I open the door of the cell and
[2426] I am so bowed I only see my feet, if I open my eyes,
and between my legs a little trail of black dust.
[2427] I say
to myself that the earth is extinguished, thought I never
saw it lit.
[2428] (Pause.)
[2429] It's easy going.
[2430] (Pause.)
[2431] When I
fall I'll weep for happiness.
to door.)
[2448] One thing more.
[2449] (Clov halts.)
[2450] One last favour.
[2451] '(Exit Clov.)
[2452] Cover me with the sheet.
[2453] (Long pause.)
[2454] No?
[2455] Good.
[2456] (Pause.)
[2457] Me to play.
[2460] (Pause. [2461] Wearily.)
[2462] Old endgame
lost of old, play and lose and have done with losing.
[2463] (Pause. [2464] More animated.)
[2465] Let me see.
[2466] (Pause.)
[2467] Ah yes!
[2468] (He tries to moves the chair, using the gaff as
[2469] Enter Clov, dressed for the road? [2470] Panama hat, tweed coat,
raincoat over his arm, umbrella, bag. [2471] He halts by the
door and stands there, impassive and motionless, his eyes
fixed on Hamm, till the end. [2472] Hamm gives up.)
[2473] Good.
[2474] (Pause.)
[2475] Discard.
[2476] (HHe throws away the gaff, makes to throw away
the dog, thinks better of it.)
[2477] Piano piano. Take it easy. Easy does it.
[2478] (Pause.)
[2479] And
[2480] (Pause.)
[2481] Take off hat.
[2482] (He raises his toque.)
[2483] Peace
to our...arses.
[2484] (Pause.)
[2485] And put on again.
[2486] (He puts on his
[2487] Deuce.
[2488] (Pause. [2489] He takes off his glasses.)
[2490] Wiêpe.
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Fin de partie / Endgame © 2018 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt