Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[1822] When on earth later
on the storms rage, drowning momentarily the
free expression of opinion, he'll know what's
happening, that the end of the world hasn't come.
[1835] They wheel, in jerks, so that their words
come always from the same direction.[1836] But often they all
speak at once, they all say simultaneously the same
thing precisely, but so perfectly together that
one would take it for a single voice, a single voice, if one
did not know that God alone can be everywhere, at the
same time.
[1839] While one speaks another
looks, the one no doubt whose turn it is to speak next
and whose remarks possibly will not of necessity be
unrelated to what he may possibly have
seen, this depending on whether what he
has seen has aroused his interest to the extent of appearing
worthy of mention, even indirectly.
[1840] But what hope
has sustained them, all the time they have been thus
employed?[1841] For it is difficult not to suppose them
sustained by some hope or another.[1842] And
what is the nature of the change they are on the look out
for, glueing one eye to the hole and closing
the other?[1843] They have no pedagogic purpose in
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt