Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[1772] of less consequence, or simply wait, doing nothing, or counting
perhaps, one, two, three and so on, until all danger to myself
from myself is past at last.
[1773] That is what comes of being scrupul-
[1774] If I had a penny I would let it make up my mind.
[1775] Decidely
Decidedly the night is long and poor in counsel.
[1776] Perhaops I should
persist until dawn.
[1777] All things considered.
[1778] Good idea, excellent.
[1779] If at dawn I am still there I shall take a decision.
[1780] I am half
[1781] But I dare not slaeeep sleep.
[1782] Rectifications in extremis, in
extremissimis, are always possible after all.
[1783] But have I not perhaps
just passed awauy.?
[1784] Malone, Malone, no more of that.
[1785] Perhaps I should
call in all my possessions such as they are and take them into bed
with me.
[1786] How would that be? Would that be of any use?
[1787] I suppose
[1788] But I may.
[1789] I have always that r[⁁]esource.
[1790] When it is light enough
to see.
[1791] Then I shall have them all round me, on top of me, under
me, in the corner there will be nothing left, all will be in the
bed, with me.
[1792] I shall hold my photograph in my hand, my stone, so
that they can't get away.
[1793] I shall put on my hat.
[1794] Perhaps I shall
have something in my mouth, my scrap of newspaper perhaps, or my
buttons, and I shall be lying on other treasures still.
[1795] My photo-
[1796] It is not a photograph of me, but I am perhaps at hand. [1797] It
is an ass, taken from in front and close up, at the edge of the
ocean, its it is not the ocean, but for me it is the ocean.
[1798] They
naturally tried to make it raise its head, so that its beautiful
eyes might be impressed on the celluloid, but it holds it lowered.
[1799] You can tell by its ears that it is not pleased.
[1800] They put a boater
on its head.
[1801] The thin hard parallel legs, the little hooves light
and d
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Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt