Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1880] move my bed. [1881] It may well be on castors, many beds are. [1882] Incredible
I should never have thought of this, all the time I have been ehere.

[1883] I might even succeed in steering it, it is so narrow, through the
fdoor, and even down the stairs, if there is a stairs that goes
[1884] To be off and away. [1885] The dark is against me, in a sense. [1886] But I can
always try and see if the bed will move.

Segment 2

[1887] I have only to set the
stick against the wall and push.
[1888] And I can see myself already, if
successful, taking a little turn in the room, until it is light
enough for me to set forth.
[1889] At least while thus employed I shall
stop telling myself lies.
[1890] And then, who knows, the physical effort
may finish polish me off, by menas means of heart failure.

Segment 3

[1891] I have lost my stick. [1892] That is the outstanding ecvent of the
day, for it is day again.
[1893] The bed has not stirred. [1894] I must have
miss"ed my point of purchase, in the dark.
[1895] Sine qua non, Archimedes
was right.
[1896] The stick, having slipped, would have plucked me from
the bed if I had not let it go.
[1897] It would of course have been better
for me to relinquish my bed than to lose my stick.
[1898] But I had not
time to think.
[1899] The fear of falling is the source of many a folly.

Segment 4

[1900] It is a disaster. [1901] I suppose the wisest thing now is to live it
over again, meditate upon it and be edified.
[1902] It is thus that man
distinguishes himself from the ape and rises, from discovery to
discovery, ever higher, towards the light.
[1903] Now that I have lost
my stick I realize what it is I have lost and all it meant to me.

[1904] And thence ascend, painfully, to an understanding of the Stick,
shorn of all its accidents, such as I had never dreamt of.
[1905] What
a boradening [] of the mind.
[1906] So that I half discern, in the veritable

Addition 1
Addition 2
and away
Metamark 1
Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
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