Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[2397] questionnaire so as to adapt it to all and sundry. [2398] Perhaps one,
one day, unlmindful of his instructions, will give me my stick.

[2399] Or I might be able to catch one, a little girl for example, and
half strangle her, three quarters, until she consents promises to give me
my stick, give me soup, empty my pots, kiss me, fondle me, smile
to me, give me my hat, stay with me, follow the hearse weeping into
her handkerchief, that would be nice.
[2400] I am such a good man, at bott
bottom, such a good man, how is it nobody ever noticed it?

Segment 2

[2401] A little
girl would be into my barrow, she would undress before me, sleep
beside me, have nobody but me, I would jam the bed against the door
to prevent her running away, but then she would throw herself out
of the window, when they got to know she was with me they would
bring soup for two, I would teach her love and loathing, she would
never forget me, I would die delighted, she would close my eyes
and put a plug in my arse-hole, as per instructions.

Segment 3

[2402] Easy, Malone,
take it easy, you old whore.
[2403] That reminds me, how long can one fast
with impunity?
[2404] The Lord Mayor of Cork lasted for ages, but he was
young, and then he had political convictions, human ones too probab-
ly, just plain human convictions.
[2405] And he allowed himself a sip of
water from time to time, sweetened probably.
[2406] Water, for pity's sake!

Segment 4

[2407] How is it I am not thirsty. [2408] There must be drinking going on inside
me, my secretions.
[2409] Yes, let us talk a little about me, that will be
a rest from all these blackguards.
[2410] What light! light! [2411] Foretaste Foretaste of paradise?
[2412] My head. [2413] On fire, full of boiling oil. [2414] What shall I die of, in the
[2415] A transport of blood to the brain? [2416] That would be the last straw.

  • Segments