Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1525] babble? [1526] I don't know. [1527] I simply believe I can say nothing that
is not true, I meant mean that has not happened, it's not the
same thing but no matter.

Segment 2

[1528] Yes, that's what I like about me,
at least one of the things, that I can say,Up the Republic!!, for
example, or, Sweetheart!!, for example, without having to wonder
if I should not rather have cut my tongue out, or said something
else. Yes, no reflection is needed, before or after, I have only
to open my mouth for it to testify to the old story, my old
story, and to the solg long silence that has silenced me, so that
all is silent.

Segment 3

[1529] And if I ever stop attalking it will be because
there is nothing to be said, even though all has not been said,
even though ntohing [] [tr.] has been said.
[1530] But let us leave these morbid
matters and get on with that of my demise, in two or three days
if I remember rightly.
[1531] Then it will be all over with the Murphys,
Merciers, Molloys, Morans and Malone[]s[s][Malones,], unless it goes on beyond
the grave.
[1532] But sufficient unto the day, let us first defunge,
then we'll see.

Segment 4

[1533] How manty have I killed, hitting them on the head
or setting fire to them?
[1534] Off hand I can only think of four, all
unknowns, I never knew anyone.
[1535] A sudden wish, I have a sudden
wish to see, as sometimes in the old days, something, anything,
no matter what, something I could not have imagined.

Segment 5

[1536] There was
the old boy [] butler [butler] too, in London I think, there's London again, I
cut his throat with his razor,
[1537] that makes five. [1538] He []It[It] seems to me
he had a name.
[1539] Yes, what I need now is a touch of the unimagin-
able, coloured for preference, that would do me good.
[1540] For thids
may well be my last journey, down the long familiar galleries,
with my little suns and moons that I hang aloft and my pockets

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Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
Metamark 2
Metamark: tr.
  • Segments
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