Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[1513] And if I ever succeed in breath-
ing my last it will not be in the street, or in a hospital, but
here, in the midst of my possessions, beside this window that some-
times looks as if it were painted on the wall, like Tiepolo's ceil-
ing at Würzburg, what I[⁁] a [a] tourist I must have been, I even remember
the diaeresis, if it is one.
[1516] And each time it
bangs against the jamb, my head does, for I am tall, and the land-
ing is small, and the man carrying my feet cannot wait, before he
starts down the stairs, for the whole of me to be out, on the land-
ing I mean, but he has to start turning before that, so as not
to bang into the wall, of the landing I mean.
[1517] So my head bangs
against the jamb, it's inevitable.
[1518] And it doesn't matter to my
head, in the state tit is in, but the man carrying it says, Eh Bob
esay[ ] [tr.]
!!, out of respect perhaps, for he doesn't know me, he didn't
know me, or for fear of hurting his fingers.
[1519] Bang!! [1520] Easy!! [1521] Right!!
[1522] The door!!,
[1523] and the room is vacant at last and ready to receive,
after disinfection, for you can't be too vcareful, a large family
or a pair of turtle doves.
[1524] Yes, the event is past, but it's too
soon to use it, hence the delay, that's what I tell myself.
[1525] But
I tell myself so many things, what truth is there in all this
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Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt