[p. 44v] addition 22→ DOODLE 87
[2100] [p. 45r]
joyfully in xx
with trembling & joy, cheerfully, without hope, without regret,
the nuisance xxx nuisance of doing over, and of being, same
thing, for one who could never do, never be. [2101]
If this voice xx could only stop, If it could
only stop, this voice which means nothing,
prevents you from being nothing, bein nowhere,
badly, only just, just enough to be feeding
this litte yellow flame keep alight this
little yellow flame feebly darting to right and
left, panting, as if straining to tear itself
from its wick, this strange little flame,
it should never have been lit, or it should
never have been fed, or it should have been
put out, put out, it should have been
allowed to go out. [2102] Regrets, that helps
you on, that gets you on towards the end of
the world, regrets for what is, for what was,
it's not the same, yes, the same, you don't know,
you don't know what's happening, what's
happened, perhaps it's the same, the same
Regretting, that's what helps you on, that's what
gets you on towards the end of the world, regretting
what is, regretting what x was, it's not the
same thing, yes, it's the same, you don't know,
you don't know what's happening, you don't
know what's happened, perhaps it's the same,
the same regretting, that's what transports you,
towards the end of regretting. [2103] But let's have
a little animation spirit for pity's sake, it's now
or never, a little go, spirit, it won't
produce anything lead to anything,
produce anything, not a budge, xxx
that doesn't matter, we are not grocers,
and one xx never knows, does one, no. [2104]
Perhaps Mahood will emerge from his urn
and make his way towards Montmartre, on
his belly, chanting singing, I come, I come,
my heart's delight. [2105] Or Worm, good old
Worm, perhaps he won't be able to bear
any more, of not being able, x of not being
able to bear any more, it would be a
pity to miss that. [2106] If I were they
I set rats on the rats on him, water rats,
sewer rats, they're the best, oh not that many,
twelve or fifteen, that might make up
his mind for him, to get going, and
what an introduction, to his future attributes. [2107]
No, it would be in vain, a rat wouldn't
survive there, not one second. [2108] But let's have
another look at his eye, that's the place to
look. [2109] A little raw perhaps, the white,
with all the pissing, there's a gleam there,
one dare not say of intelligence. [2110] Apart
from that the same as ever. [2111] A trifle more