Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[1801] and dainty on the sand.
[1802] The outline is blurred, that's the oper-
ator's giggle shaking the camera.
[1803] The ocean looks so i [place = overwritten] unnatural
that you'd think you were in a studio, [1804] but is it not t [place = overwritten] rather the
reverse I should say?
[1805] No trace left of any clothes for example,
apart from the p [place = margin left] boot, the hat and three socks, I counted them.
[1806] Where have my clothes disappeared, my greatcoat, t [place = overwritten] my trousers and
the flannel that Mr Quin gave me, with the remarl [place = overwritten] k that he did
not need it any more?
[1807] Perhaps they were burnt.
[1808] But our business
is not with what I have no longer, such things do not count at such
a moment, whatever people may say.
[1809] In any case I think I'll stop.
[1810] I was keeping the best for the end, but I don't feel very well,
perhaps I'm going, that would surprise me.
[1811] It is a passing weak-ness; ness, everyone has experienced that.
[1812] One weakens, then it
passes, one's strength comes back and one resumes.
[1813] That is probab-
ly what is happening to me.
[1814] I yawn, would I yawn if it was serious?
[1815] Why not?
[1816] I would gladly eat a little soup, if there was any left.
[1817] No, even if there was some left I would not eat it.
[1818] So there.
[1819] It
is some days now since my soup was renewed, did I mention that?
[1820] I suppose so.
[1821] It is in vain I de [place = margin left] ispatch my table to the door,
bring it back beside me, move it to and fro in the hope that the
noise will be heard and correctly interpreted, in the right
quarters, the dish remains empty.
[1822] One of the pots on the other hand
hand remains full, and the other is filling slowly.
[1823] If I ever suc-
ceed in filling it I shall empty them both out on the floor, but
it is unlikely.
[1824] Now that I have stopped eating I produce less
waste and so eliminate less.
[1825] The pots do not seem to be mine, I
- Segments
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Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt