Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[1929] it really exists.
[1930] I did well to stop my inventory, it was a
happy thought.
[1931] I feel less weak, perhaps they fed me while I
[1932] I see the pot, the one that is not full, it is lost to
me too.
[1933] I shall doubtless be obliged to forget myself in the
bed, as when I was a baby.
[1934] At least I shall not be scolded.
[1935] But
enough about me.
[1936] You would think I was relieved to be without my
[1937] I think I know how I might retrieve it.
[1938] But something occurs
to me.
[1939] Are they depriving me of soup on purpose to help me die?
[1940] One judges people too hastily.
[1941] But in that case why feed me during
my sleep?
[1942] But there is no proof they have.
[1943] But if they wished to
help me would it not be more intelligent to give me poisoned soup,
large quantities of poisoned soup?
[1944] Perhaps they fear an autopsy.
[1945] It is obvious they see a long way ahead.
[1946] That remainsinds me that I among my possessions I once had a little phial, unlabelled,
once had
containing pills.
[1947] Laxatives?
[1948] Sedatives?
[1949] I forget.
[1950] To turn to them
for for[₰] calm and merely obtain a diarrhoea, my, that would be
[1951] In any case the question does not arise.
[1952] I am calm, in-
sufficiently, I still lack a little calm.
[1953] But enough about me.
[1954] I'll see if there is anything in my little idea, I mean how to
retrieve my stick.
[1955] The fact is I must be very weak.
[1962] One day, much later, to judge by his appearance, Macmann came
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- Metamarks
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt