Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0821] and all[] things at rest for ever at last. [0822] Finally he took from
his pocket the few poor gifts he had brought, laid them on the
table and went.
[0823] But it sometimes happened, before he decided
to go, before he went rather, for there was no decision, that a
hen, taking advantage of the open door, would venture into the

Segment 2

[0824] No sooner had she crossed the threshold than she paused,
one leg hooked up under her breech, her head on one side,
blainking, anxious.
[0825] Then, reassured, she advanced a little further,
jerkily, with concertina neck.
[0826] It was a grey hen, perhaps the
grey hen.
[0827] Sapo got to know her well and, it seemed to him, to be
well known by her.
[0828] If he rose to go she did not fly into a

Segment 3

[0829] But perhaps there were several hens, all grey and so
alike in other respects that Sapo's eye, avid of resemblances,
could not tell between them.
[0830] Sometimes she was followed by a second,
a third and even a fourth, bearing no likeness to her, and but
little to one another, in the matter of plumage and entasis.

Segment 4

[0831] These showed more confidence than the grey, who had led the way
and come to no harm.
[0832] They shone an instant in the light, grew
dimmer and dimmer as they advanced, and finally vanished.
[0833] Silent
at first, fearing to betray their presence, they began gradually
to scratch and cluck, for contentment, and to relax their sough-
ing feathers.

Segment 5

[0834] But often the grey hen came alone, or one of the
grey hens if you prefer, for that is a thing that will never be
known, though it might well have been, without much trouble.
[0835] For all that was necessary, in order that it might be known whether
there was only one grey hen or more than one, was for someone to
be present when all the hens came running towards Mrs Lambert as

  • Segments