Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[0072] too soon.
[0073] There I am back at my old aporetics.
[0074] Is that
the [₰] word?
[0075] I don't know.
[0076] It does not matter if I do
not finish.
[0077] But if I finish too soon?
[0078] That does not matter either.
[0079] For then I shall speak of the things that remain in my
possession, that is a thing I have always wanted to do.
[0080] It will
be a kind of inventory.
[0081] In any case that is a thing I must
leave to the very last moment, so as to be sure of not having
made a mistake.
[0082] In any case that is a thing I shall certainly
do, no matter what happens.
[0083] It will not take me more than a
quarter of an hour at the most.
[0084] That is to say it could take me
longer, if I wished.
[0085] But should I be short of time, at the last
moment, then a brief quarter of an hour would be all I should
need[₰] to draw[|] up my inventory.
[0086] My desire is henceforward to
be clear, without being finical. I have always wanted that too.
[0087] It is obvious I may suddenly expire, at any moment.
[0088] Would it
not then be better for me to speak of my possessions without
further delay?
[0089] Would not that be wiser?
[0090] And then if necessary
at the last moment correct any inaccuracies.
[0091] That is what
reason counsels.
[0092] But reason has not much hold on me, just now.
[0093] All things run together to encourage me.
[0094] But can I really
resign myself to the possibility of my dying without leaving
an inventory behind?
[0095] There I am back at my old quibbles.
[0096] Pre-
sumably I can, since I intend to take the risk.
[0097] All my life long
I have put off this reckoning, saying, Too soon, too soon.
[0098] Well it is still too soon.
[0099] All my life long I have dreamt of
the moment when, edified at last, in so far as one can be before
all is lost, I might draw the line and make the tot.
[0100] This moment
- Segments
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt