Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1510] almost buried in a casket, swelling. [1512] No matter, what matters is
that in spite of my stories I continue to fit in this room, let
us call it a room, that's all that matters, and I need [ [place = marnginleft] START→] not worry,
I'll fit in it as long as needs be.

Segment 2

[1513] And if I ever succeed in breath-
ing my last it will not be in the street, or in a hospital, but
here, in the midst of my possessions, beside this window that some-
times looks as if it were painted on the wall, like Tiepolo's ceil-
ing at Würzburg, what I [place = inline] [] [place = margin left] a [ [place = supralinear] a] tourist I must have been, I even remember
the diaeresis, if it is one.

Segment 3

[1514] If only I could be sure, of my
deathbed I mean.
[1515] And yet how often I have seen this old head swing
out through the door, low, for my big old bones weigh heavy, and
the door is low, lower and lower in my opinion.

Segment 4

[1516] And each time it
bangs against the jamb, my head does, for I am tall, and the land-
ing is small, and the man carrying my feet cannot wait, before he
starts down the stairs, for the whole of me to be out, on the land-
ing I mean, but he has to start turning before that, so as not
to bang into the wall, of the landing I mean.

Segment 5

[1517] So my head bangs
against the jamb, it's inevitable.
[1518] And it doesn't matter to my
head, in the state t [place = overwritten] it is in, but the man carrying it says, Eh Bob
esay [place = margin left] [] [ [place = margin left] tr.]! [place = overwritten] !, out of respect perhaps, for he doesn't know me, he didn't
know me, or for fear of hurting his fingers.
[1519] Bang! [place = overwritten] ! [1520] Easy! [place = overwritten] ! [1521] Right! [place = overwritten] !

Segment 6

[1522] The door! [place = overwritten] !, [1523] and the room is vacant at last and ready to receive,
after disinfection, for you can't be too v [place = overwritten] careful, a large family
or a pair of turtle doves.
[1524] Yes, the event is past, but it's too
soon to use it, hence the delay, that's what I tell myself.
[1525] But
I tell myself so many things, what truth is there in all this

Addition 1
Metamark 1
Metamark: [place = marnginleft] START→ Note: The word \'Start\' has been written in the left margin, and a horizontal line drawn underneath the sentence which connects the word \'Start\' with the arrow drawn between the words \'need\' and \'not\'. These marks have presumably been added by the typesetter to indicate the point from which the typesetting should recommence.
Metamark 2
Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
Metamark 3
Metamark: [place = margin left] tr.
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks