[0082] It must have had enough.
[0083] So that you say, I'll manage this time,
then perhaps once more, then perhaps a last time, then nothing
[0084] You are hard set to formulate this thought, for it is one,
in a sense.
[0085] Then you try to pay attention, to consider with
attention all those dim things, saying to yourself, laboriously,
It's my fault.
[0086] Fault?
[0087] That was the word.
[0088] But what fault? [0089] It's
not goodbye, and what magic in those dim things to which it will
be time enough, when next they pass, to say goodbye.
[0090] For you must
say goodbye, it would be folly not to say goodbye, when the time
comes. [0091] If you think of the forms and light of other days it is
without regret.
[0092] But you seldom think of them, with what would
you think of them?
[0093] I don't know.
[0094] People pass too, hard to
distinguish from yourself.
[0095] That is discouraging.
[0096] That's how I
saw A and B going slowly towards each other, unconscious of what
they were doing.
[0097] It was on a road remarkably bare, I mean without
hedges or ditches or any kind of border, in the country, for cows
were chewing in enormous fields, lying and standing, in the
evening silence. [0098] Perhaps I'm inventing a little, perhaps
embellishing, but on the whole that's how it was.
[0099] They chew,
swallow, then after a short pause effortlessly bring up the next
[0100] A neck muscle stirs and the jaws begin to grind again.
[0101] But perhaps I'm remembering things.
[0102] The road, hard and white,
seared the tender pastures, rose and fell at the whim of hills
and hollows.
[0103] The town wasn't far.
[0104] It was two men, unmistakably,
one short and one tall. [0105] They had left the town, first one, then
the other, and the first, weary or remembering a duty, had
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt