Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[0001] Stage in darkness but for
MOUTH, upstage audience right, about 8' above stage level,
faintly lit from close up and below, rest of face in
shadow. Invisible microphone.
[0002] AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure
enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba,
fully faintly lit, standing on invisible podium 4' high,
shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally across
stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for
four brief movements where indicated. See Note .
[0003] As house lights down MOUTH's voice unintelligible behind
curtain. House lights out. Voice continues unintelligible
behind curtain, 10 seconds. As curtain rises ad-libbing
as required leading when curtain fully up and attention
sufficient into
[0004] ..birth..into this world..this world..tiny little thing..
before its a godfor - ..what?..girl?..
yes..tiny little girl..into this..before her time..godfor-
saken hole..
[₰] called.. called.. [₰]
no matter..
[0005]parents unknown..unheard of..he having vanished
..thin sooner buttoned up his breeches..she sim-
ilarly..eight months later..almost to the tick..[0006]so no love
..spared love such as normally visited on the..
speechless the indeed for that
matter[₰] any of any love of any any
typical affair..nothing of note
[0007] till[₰] coming up to sixty
when..what?..seventy.. good God!..coming up to seventy [⁁]when
..wandering in a field..looking aimlessly for cowslips..
to make a ball..a few steps then stop..stare into space..
then on..a few more..stop & stare again so on.. drifting around..when sudden-
ly..gradually..all went out..all that early April morning
light..and she found herself in the - what?..who?..what?!..she!..(pause and movement 1)..found herself in
the dark..
[0008] and if not exactly..insentient..insentient..for
she could still hear the! the ears..
and a ray of light..came and went..came and went..such as
the moon might and out of cloud..but
dulled..feeling..feeling so dulled..she did not know..
what position she was in..imagine!..what position she
was in!..whether standing..or sitting..but the brain - ..
what?..kneeling?..yes..whether standing..or sitting..or
[0008] kneeling..but the brain - ..what?..lying?..yes..whather
standing..or sitting..or kneeling..or lying..[0009]but the brain a way..for her first thought was..oh long
after!..sudden flash..brought up as she had been to be-
lieve..with the other a merciful..(brief laugh)..
God..(good laugh)..[0010]first thought was..oh long after!..
flash in the dark..she was being punished..for her sins..
Sam. Beckett
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
- Doodles
- Titles
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt