Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[1711] a space, and I made a little cap for it, out of tin.
[1712] Next.
[1713] Poor Macmann.
[1714] Decide [place = margin left] dly it will never have been given to me to
finish anything, except perhaps breathing.
[1715] One must not be greedy.
[1716] But is this how one chokes?
[1717] Presumably.
[1718] And the rattle, what about
the rattle?
[1719] Perhaps it is not de rigueur after all.
[1720] To have
vagitated and not be bloody well able to rattle.
[1721] How life dulls
the power to protest to be sure.
[1723] I wonder what my last words will
be, written, the others do not endure, but vanish, into thin air.
[1724] I shall never know.
[1725] I shall not finish this inventory either, a
little bird tells me so, the paraclete perhaps, psittaceously
[1726] Be it so.
[1727] A club in any case, I can't help it, I must
state the facts, without trying to understand, to the end.
[1728] There
are moment [place = supralinear] moments when I feel I have been here always, perhaps even was
born here. [1728|001] Then it passes.
[1729] That would explain many things.
[1730] Or
that I have come back after a long absence.
[1731] But I have done with
feelings and hypotheses.
[1732] This club is mine and that is all about
[1733] It is stained with blood, but insufficiently, insufficiently.
[1734] I have defended myself, ill, but I have defended myself.
[1735] That is
what I tell myself sometimes.
[1736] One boot, originally yellow, I
forget for which foot. [1737] The other, its fellow, has gone.
[1738] They took
it away, at the beginning, before they realized I should never
walk again.
[1739] And they left the other, in the hope I would be sadde
saddened, seeing it thee [place = overwritten] re, without its fellow.
[1740] Men are like that.
[1741] Or perhaps it is on top of the cupboard.
[1742] I have looked for it
everywhere, with my stick, but I never thought of the top of the
cupboard. [1742|001] Till now.
[1743] And as I shall never look for it any more, [place = margin left] or anything else any more
either on top of the cupboard or elsewhere [place = margin left] anywhere else, it is no longer mine.
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt