Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1825] simply have the use of them. [1826] They answer to the definition of what
is mine, but they are not mine.
[1827] Perhaps it is the definition that
is at fault.
[1828] They have each two handles or ears, projecting abob [place = overwritten] ve
the rim and facing each other, into which I insert my stick. In this
way I move my pots about, lift them up and set them down.
[1829] Nothing
has been left to chance.
[1830] Or is it a happy chance? [1831] I can therefore
easily turn them upside down, if I am driven to it, and wait for
them to empty, as long as nev [place = overwritten] cessary.

Segment 2

[1832] After this passing reference
to my pots I feel a little mi [place = overwritten] ore lively.
[1833] They are not mine, but I
say my pots, as I say my bed, my window, as I say me.
[1834] Nevertheless
I shall stop.
[1835] It is my belon possessions have weakened me, if I
start talking about them again I shall weaken again, for the same
causes give rise to the same effects.
[1836] I should have liked to speak
of the cap of the bell of my bicycle [place = margin left] my bicycle-bell, of my half-crutch, the top
half, you'd think it was a baby's crutch.

Segment 3

[1837] But I can still do so,
whatv [place = overwritten] is there to prevent me? I don't know. I can't.
[1838] To think I shall
perhaps die of starvatio hunger, after all, of starvation rather,
after having struggled successfully all my life against that menace.

[1839] I can't believe it. [1840] There is a providence for impotent old men, to
the end.
[1841] And when they cannot swallow any more someone rams a tube
down their gullet, or up their rectum, and fills them full of
viatminized [place = margin left] [] pap, so as not to be accused of murder.

Segment 4

[1842] I shall there-
fore die of old age pure and simple, glutted with days as in the
days before the flood, on a full stomach.
[1843] Perhaps they think I am
[1844] Or perhaps they are dead themselves. [1845] I say they, though per-
haps I should not.
[1846] In the beginning, but was it the beginning, I
used to see an old woman, then for a time an old yellow arm, then

Addition 1
my bicycle-bell
Metamark 1
Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
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