Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[0743] event of which is undoubtedly unquestionably the
celebration of the Saviour's birth, in
a stable, while wondering if he would
survive till then.
[0744] Then he would set
forth, carrying hugging under his arm, in
their case, the knives lovingly [lovably] [lovingly]
whetted in the chimney-corner the night
before, and in his pocket, in a pa
wrapped up in paper, the apron destined
to protect, during the operation while he his
worked, [x]good[⁁] Sunday suit, while he worked.
[0745] And at the thought that he, Big Louis, was on
his way to [xxx] that distant farm where
all was in readiness for his coming, and that
in spite of his great age [the] people needed him,
he was still needed, and preferred to younger
he was still [so] needed, and his methods preferred
to those of younger men, then his old heart
leapt in its cage.
[0746] From these expeditions he
went home late in the night, drunk and
exhausted by the long journey on foot and the
road and the emotions of the day.
[0747] And
for days he could speak of nothing but the
pig he had despatched, I would say into
the other world if I did not know that pigs
have none but this, to the great affliction
of his family.
[0748] But they did not dare say
anything to him, for they were afraid of him.
[0749] Yes, at an age when most people cringe and
cower, as though to apologize for being still
present, Louis was still feared and in a
position to do exactly as he pleased.
[0750] And
even his young wife had abandoned all hope
of bringing him to heel, by means of her cunt,
that trump card of young [w] women.
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Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt