Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0755] continued to expatiate, to his near and dear
ones, on the specimen he had just of an evening
till the lamp burnt burned low, of the specimen he had
just killed, until the day he was summoned to
kill another.

Segment 2

[0756] This his conversation [xxx]
he could talk of nothing but th[e] this new pig,
so different from the other in every way,
so completely different, and yet at bottom the

Segment 3

[0757] For all pigs are alike, when you get
to know them, struggle, squeal, bleed,
squeal, struggle, squeal and faint away
in more or less the same way exactly, in a way
that is all [their] and could never be imitated by
a lamb, for example, or a kid.

Segment 4

[0758] But from March
onwards, Big Louis calmed
But when March
was past Big Louis recovered his calm and
became his silent self again.

Segment 5

[0760] The son, or heir, was a great strapping
lad with terrible teeth.
[0761] Edmund.

Segment 6

[0762] The farm. [0763] The farm was in a hollow,
inundated in winter and in summer [x] burnt
to a cinder.
[0764] The way led to it led through a
fine meadow.
[0765] But this fine meadow did not
belong to the Louis, but to other farmers
who lived at a distance.
[0766] Jonquils and nar-
cissi bloomed there in extraordinary abundance,
at the appropriate season.
[0767] Louis grazed his
goats there, surreptitiously, at nightfall.

Segment 7

[0768] Strange to relate Strange to relate, Louis if Louis had th this
gift of his that Louis had when it came to sticking
pigs seem[]ed of no help to him when it came to rearing
them, and it was seldom rare that his own for his
own to exceed 9 stone.
[0769] Clapped into a tiny sty
the d, on the day of its arrival, in the month of
April, he it remained there until the day of
its death, shortly before Xmas.

Segment 8

[0770] For Louis
persisted in dreading for his pigs, though
[x] each year showed him his mistake, the thinning
effects of exercise.
[0771] He dreaded for them also daylight
and fresh air.

Segment 9

[0772] And it was finally a weak pig,
blind and lean, that he laid on its back
in the box, with its legs tied, and killed,
indignantly but without haste and without haste,
upraiding him the while for his its ingratitude,
at the top of his voice.
[0773] And he could not or would

  • Segments