Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[0768] to sticking a pig [place = supralinear] pigs seemed of no help to him in the matter of
rearing them, and it was seldom his own exceeded nine stone.
[0769] Clapped into a tiny sty on the day of its arrival, in the
month of April, it remained there until the day of its death, on
Christmas Eve.
[0770] For Lambert persisted in dreading for his pigs,
though every passing year proved him wrong, the thinning effects
of ec [place = overwritten] x [place = inline] [⁁] [place = supralinear] xercise.
[0771] Daylight and fresh air he dreaded for them too.
[0772] And it was finally a weak pig, blind and lean, that he lay on its
back in the box, having tied its legs, and killed, indignantly
but without haste, upraiding it the while for its u [place = inline] [⁁] [place = margin left] i[ [place = supralinear] i]ngratitude, at
the top of his voice.
[0773] For he could not or would not understand
that the pig was not to blame, but he himself, who had coddled
it unduly.
[0774] And he persisted in his error.
[place = inline] [⃞][0775] Dead world, airless, waterless.
[0776] That's it, reminisce.
[0777] Here
and there, in the bed of a crater, the shadow of a withered
[0778] And nights of three hundred hours.
[0779] Dearest of lights, wan,
pitted, least fatuous of lights.
[0780] That's it, babble.
[0781] How long can
it have lasted? Five minutes? Ten minutes?
[0782] Yes, no more, not much
[0783] But my sliver of sky is gleaming [place = inline] [⁁] [place = margin left] silvery [ [place = supralinear] silvery] with it yet.
[0784] In the old
days I used to count, up to three hundred, four hundred, and with
oh [place = overwritten] ther things too, the showers, the bells, the chatter of the
sparrows at dawn, or with nothing, for no reason, for the sake
of counting, and then I divided, by sixty.
[0785] That passed the time,
I was time, I devoured the world.
[0786] Not now, any more.
[0787] A man changes.

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Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt