Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[0750] hope of bringing him to heel, by means of her cunt, that
trump card of young [⁁] wifes wives.
[0751] For she knew what he would do to
her if she did not open it to him.
[0752] And he even insisted on her
making things easy for him, in ways that often appeared to her
[0753] And at the least show of rebellion on her part he
[✓]would run to the wash-house and come back with the battle and
beat her until she came round to a better way of thinking.
[0754] All
this by the way.
[0755] And to return to our pigs, Lambert continued
to expatiate, to his near and dear ones, of an evening, while
ythe lamp burned low, on the specimen he had kjust slaughtered,
until the day he was summoned to slaughter another.
[0756] Then all
his conversation was of this new pig, so unlike the other in
every respect, so quite unlike, and yet at bottom the same.
[0757] For
al;l pigs are alike, when you get to know their little ways,
stuggle struggle, squeal, bleed, sueal squeal, struggle, bleed, suqqueal and faint
away, in more or less the same way exactly, a way that is all
their own and could never be imitated by a lamb, for example,
or a kid.
[0758] But once March was out Big Lambert recovered his calm
and became his silent self again.
[⃞][0760] The son, or heir, was a great strapping lad with terrible teeth.
[⃞][0762] The farm.
[0763] The farm was in a hollow, flooded in winter and in
summer burnt to a cinder.
[0764] The way to it lay through a fine meadow.
[0765] But this gfine meadow did not belong to the Lamberts, but to other
peasants living at a distance.
[0766] There jonquils and narcissi bloomed
in extraordinary profusion, at the appropriate season.
[0767] And there
at nightfall, stealthily, Big Lambert turned los[⁁]o[o]se his goats.
[⃞][0768] Strange to say this gift that Lambert possessed when it came
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Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt