Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0737] pigs and greatly sought after, I exaggerate, in that capacity.
For his fee was inferior to[] lower than [lower than] the buthcer's[] , and he had even been
know[]n[n]to demand no more, in return for his services, than a lump
of gammon or a pig's cheek.
[0738] How plausible all that is. [0740] He often
spoke fof his father with respect and tenderness.
[0741] His like will
not be seen again, he used to say, once I am gone.
[0742] He must have
said this in other words.

Segment 2

[0743] His great days then fell in December
and January, and from February onwards he waited impatiently for
the return of that season, the principal event of which is unquest-
ionably the Saviour's birth, in a stable, while wondering if he
would be spared till then.
[0744] Then he would set forth, hugging under
his arm, in their case, the great knives so lovingly whetted before
the fire the night before, and in his pocket, wrapped in paper, the
apron destined to protect his Sunday suit,[] while he worked.

Segment 3

[0745] And
at the thought that he, Big Lambert, was on his way towards that
distant homestead where all was in readiness for his coming, and
that in spite of his great age he was still needed, and his methods
preferred to those of younger men, then his old heart exulted.
[0746] From these expeditions he reached home late in the night, drunk
and exhausted by the long road and the emotions of the day.

Segment 4

[0747] And
for days afterwards hec he could speak of nothing but the pig
he had just de[]i[i]spatched, I would say into the other world if I was
not aware that pigs have none but this, to the great affliction of
his family.
[0748] But they did not dare protest, for they feared him.
[0749] Yes, at an age when most people cringe and cower, as if to apol-
ogize for still being present, Lambert was feared and in a position
to do as he pleased.
[0750] And even his young wife had abandoned all

Addition 1
lower than
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Addition 3
Metamark 1
Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
  • Segments
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