Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[0004] ...birth...into this world...this world...of a tiny
little thing...five a godfor-...what?...
girl?...tiny little girl...into a godforsaken the bog...named -...what?...the downs?
...godforsaken hole in the downs?!...the bog...
godforsaken hole in the bog...named...named...forgotten...
[0005]to parents unknown...he having vanished... vanished
into...thin sooner done his...devilish work??
work...and she similarly...nine months later...almost
to the minute...[0006]so no love...such as normally showered
on the...speechless the
indeed [⁁] [place = margin left] for that matter any of any any subsequent...time [place = supralinear] stage usual affair...nothing worthy of note
[0007] till...coming
up to sixty when...what?...sixty-five?...coming up to
sixty-five...walking in a field...searching [place = margin left] aimlessly for cow- make a ball...when suddenly all went out...
all that early April morning light...and she found herself
in the -...what?...I? [place = overwritten] !...she ...found herself
in the dark...
[0008]and if not exactly...insentient...insentient
...for w [place = overwritten] she still [place = margin left] could heard the!
the ears...and a ray of light...such as the moon might and out of cloud...but so lessened...
sensation...sensation so lessened...she did not know...
what position she s [place = overwritten] was in...whether standing...ot [place = overwritten] r sitting...
but the brain 6.. brain -...what?...lying?...whx [place = overwritten] ether
standing...or sitting...or lying...
[0009]but the brain still...
in a way [place = supralinear] sense...for her first thought was...after some time
it is true...her first thought...brought up as she had
been to believe (laugh) a merciful (laugh)...God
(laugh)...[0010]first thought was...she was being punished...
for her sins [place = margin left] iniquities[stet] ...a number of which then...further proof
if proof were needed...flashed through her mind...
[0011] then dismissed as foolisg [place = overwritten] h...this thought dismissed...
as she gradually ralised realized...she was not suffer-
ing [place = margin left] ...not suffering at all...indeed could not remember...when she had suffered
less...unless of course... course she was...meant to be
suffering [place = margin left] at all...thought to be suffereing...just as so often...
in the past...when clearly intended to be hab [place = overwritten] ving pleasure...
[0011] she was in fact...having none whatsoever [place = margin left] not the which case
of course...that notion of punishment...for some sin or
other...or for no special reason...for its own sake...
thing she understood perfecf [place = overwritten] tly...that notion of punish-
ment...which had first occurred to her...brought up as
she had been to believe (laugh) a merciful (laugh)...
Sam. Beckett
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt