Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[0019] not as much as she survived..: and now
this flood [place = supralinear] stream...and not hearing the half of it...what wih [place = overwritten] th
the buzzing...her own thoughts...not the
idea...what she was saying! [place = margin left] imagine... [place = margin left] no idea what she was saying!...[0020]till she began trying to...
pz [place = overwritten] ersuade was not hers at all...not her voice
at all...and would doubtless have succeeded...was on the
point...after long efforts...
[0021] when gradually she felt...
suddenly she felt...her lips moving... [place = margin left] imagine...her lips moving! of course tillt then she had not...any more than the
rest...and not alone the lips...the cheeks...the jaws...
the whole face...the tongue in the mouth...all that flurry
without whih [place = overwritten] ch...not utterance [place = supralinear] speech possible...and yet...
in the
ordinary way...not felt at intent one is...on
what one is saying...the whole being so to speak?...
[0021]hanging on its that not only she had...had she...
to give up...admit she and she alone[0022]...but this other
dready [place = overwritten] ful thought...even more dreadful if possible...that
feeling was coming back...feeling was coming back!...
beginning at the top...then working down...the whole frame...
but no...the face alone...for the moment...ha!...for the mo
[0023]then thinking...long after [place = margin left] ...sudden can't go on...
much moremout more...mouth on fire...whole face aching [place = supralinear] all that... [place = margin left] flood stream of words......
straining to hear...make something of it...and her own
thoughts...trying to get on with [place = margin left] make something of them...all that together... - ...
it can'twhat?...the buzzing?...yes...on top i [place = overwritten] of all [place = margin left] [?A]
the! [0027] [⁁] [place = supralinear] all that...can't go on...
g [place = overwritten] God is love...
she'll be purged...
[0028] back in the the sun...April...
sink face down in the grass...nothing but the larks...
so on...snatching at comfort [place = margin left] the crumb...trying to think...trying
to hear...the odd word...make some sense of it...whole
body like gone...only the face...face and mouth...gone stopping it...something she- she - ...what?§!...she...something she had to -...what?...
[0028] theb the buzzing?...yes...all the time the buzzing...
buzzing!...roaring [place = supralinear] dull her skull...and the ray...on and [place = supralinear] ferreting pain that [place = supralinear] sense in that [place = supralinear] far...ha!...
so far...[0029]then thinking...another thought...long after... [place = margin left] a second and lost gone
perhaps something...she had to say...could that be it?...
tiny little thing...hole in the bog...never any love...
spared that...speechless all her days...stand waiting for [place = margin right] [C]
the and go without a she survived ...
[0029] now this...something she had to say...could that be it?...
something that would it was...could - ...what?...
had been?...yes...something that would it had she had survived...lived on and on... [place = margin left] guilty or not guilty to be
sixty...something she -...what?...sixty-five?...lived on
and be sixty-five...something she didn't know
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt