Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[0011] meant to be suffereing suffering...thought to be suffer-...just as
ingso often in her life once or twice the few times odd
her life...when clearly meant to be having pleasure...
she was in fact...having none...not the
which case of course...that notion of punishment...for
some sin or other...or for the lot...or no particular
[0011] reason...for its own csake...thing she understood perfect-
ly...that notion of punishment...which had first occurred
to her...sudden flash...brought up as she had been to
believe...with the other a merciful...(laugh)...
God...(good laugh)...first occurred to gher her...then dismis- foolish...was perhaps not so foolish...after on...all that...
[0012] till another thought...sudden
flash...oh long agfter...very childish foolish really but - ...
what?...the buzzing?...yes...all the time the buzzing...
so-called! the ears...though of course actually...
not in the ears at the skull ...dull roar in the
skull...and all the time...this ray or from
[0012] a moon...but no doubt not [D] ...just all part of the
the same wish
to...torment...though actually not in the least...not a twinge...
so far...ha! far...this other thought then...very
foolish really but so like her...that she might do well
to groan...on and off...(writhe she could not) though
in actual...agony...
[0013]but could not...could not bring her-
self...some flaw in her make-up...incapable of deceit...[E]
[0014]dead silence of course...all this time but for the buz-!...[0015]no part of her moving...that she
could feel...only the eyelids...presumably...on and shut out the light...faint though it was...reflex they
call feeling of any kind...but the lids...even at
the best of times...who feels them?...opening...shutting...
all that moisture...
[0016] but the brain still sufficiently...
oh very lmuch so§! this control...under con- question the matter...for on that April morning..
so it reasoned...that April morning...she fixing with her
eye...a distant cowslip flower bloom fxxx bell (in a cowslip bell I lie) she hastened towards it...
fixing it with her eye...lest it elude her...had not all
[0016] gone out...all that light...of itself...without any...
any...on her part...and so on it reasoned...vain
questionings...and all dead still...sweet silent as the
grave... when suddenly...gradually...she realiz - ...
what?...the buzzing?...yes...all dead still but for the!...
[0017]when suddenly she realized...words were6 were - ...what?...who?...what?!...she...movement 2
realized words were coming...words were coming!...a voice
she did not was so long...since she had uttered heard it it had sounded
[0018]...but had finally to herself...
could be no other...than her own...certain vowel sounds...
she had never that people would look stare at her...on the rare occasions...once or twice a
year...winter mostly... always winter some strange reason...stare at her uncomprehending...and now...this unbroken steady stream...
she who had never...on the contrary...practically speech-
less ...all her she survived
[0019]...even shopping...
busy shopping centre...supermart...just jhanded in the
list...with the shopping bag...then stood there waiting...
any length of time...middle of the throng...motioneless...
staring into space...till it was back in her hand...the
bag...then paid and went...not as much as
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt