[0045] in another.
[0046] We'll come to that.
[0047] Her name? I've forgotten it again.
[0048] It seems
to me sometimes that I even knew my son, that I helped him.
[0049] Then I tell myself
it is impossible.
[0050] It is impossible I could ever have helped anyone.
[0051] I've for-
gotten how to spell too, and half the words.
[0052] That doesn't matter apparently.
[0053] Good.
[0054] He's a queer card who comes to see me.
[0055] He comes every Sunday apparently.
[0056] The other days he isn't free.
[0057] He's always thirsty.
[0058] It was he who told me I'd
begun all wrong, that I should have begun differently.
[0059] He must be right.
[0060] I began
at the beginning, like an old fool, can you imagine that.
[0061] Here's my beginning.
[0062] Because they're keeping it apparently.
[0063] I took a lot of trouble with it.
[0064] Here it
[0065] It gave me a lot of trouble.
[0066] It was the beginning, you see.
[0067] Whereas now
it's nearly the end.
[0068] Is what I do now any better?
[0069] I don't know.
[0070] That's beside
the point.
[0071] Here's my beginning.
[0072] It must mean something, since they're keeping it.
[0073] Here it is.
[0074] This time, then once more I think, then I think it'll be
over, with that world too.
[0075] Premonition of the last but one.
[0076] All grows dim.
[0077] A
little more, and you'll go blind.
[0078] It's in the head. [place = overwritten] ,
[0079] It doesn't work any more,
it says, I don't work any more.
[0080] You go dumb as well and sounds fade.
[0081] The threshold
scarcely crossed that's how it is.
[0082] It's the head. It must have had enough.
[0083] So
that you say, I'll manage this time, then perhaps once more, then nothing more.
[0084] You
are hard set to formulate this thought, for it is one, in a sense.
[0085] Then you try to
pay attention, to consider with attention all those dim things, saying to yourself
laboriously, It's my own fault.
[0086] Fault?
[0087] that was the word.
[0088] But what fault?
[0089] It's
not goodbye, and what magic in these dim things to which it will be time enough,
when next they pass, to say goodbye.
[0090] For you must say goodbye, it would be stupid
not to say goodbye, when the time comes.
[0091] If you think of the forms and light of
other days it is without regret.
[0092] But you seldom think of them, with what would you
think of them.
[0093] I don't know.
[0094] People pass too, hard to distinguish from yourself.
[0095] That is discouraging.
[0096] That's how I saw A and B going slowly towards each other,
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt