Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Fin de partie / Endgame


MS. Pages: 01r - 05r 06r - 10r 11r - 15r 16r - 20r 21r - 25r 26r - 30r 31r - 35r 36r - 40r 41r - 42v
[p. 41r]


[2414] Enough!


[2415] (as before). [2416] I say to myself - sometimes, Clov, you must learn to suffer better than that if you want them to weary of punishing you - one day. [2417] I say to muyself - sometimes, Clov, you must be there better than that, if you want them to let you go - one day. [2418] But I feel too old, and too far, to be able to form new habits. [2419] Good, it'll never end, I'll never go. [2420] (Pause.) [2421] Then suddenly, one day, the things ends, changes, I don't understand, the thing it dies,or it's me, I don't understand, that either. [2422] I ask the words that remain - sleep, waking, morning, evening. [2423] They have nothing to say. [2424] (Payuse.) [2425] I open the door of the cell and go. [2426] I am so bowed I only see my feet, if I open my eyes, and between my legs a little trail of black dust. [2427] I say to myself that the earth is extinguished, thought I never saw it lit. [2428] (Pause.) [2429] It's easy going. [2430] (Pause.) [2431] When I fall I'll weep for happiness.

[2432] Pause. [2433] He goes towards door.


[2434] Cov ! [2435] (Clov halts, without turning.) [2437] Nothing. [2438] (Clov moves on.) [2439] Clov!

[2440] Clov halts, without turning.


[2441] This is what we call making an exit.


[2442] I'm obliged to you, Clov. For your services.


[2443] (turning, sharply). [2444] Ah pardon, it's I who am obliged to you.


[2445] It's we who are obliged to each other. [2446] (Pause. [2447] Clov goes to door.) [2448] One thing more. [2449] (Clov halts.) [2450] One last favour. [2451] '(Exit Clov.) [2452] Cover me with the sheet. [2453] (Long pause.) [2454] No? [2455] Good. [2456] (Pause.) [2457] Me to play. [2460] (Pause. [2461] Wearily.) [2462] Old endgame lost of old, play and lose and have done with losing. [2463] (Pause. [2464] More animated.) [2465] Let me see. [2466] (Pause.) [2467] Ah yes! [2468] (He tries to moves the chair, using the gaff as nbefore. [2469] Enter Clov, dressed for the road? [2470] Panama hat, tweed coat, raincoat over his arm, umbrella, bag. [2471] He halts by the door and stands there, impassive and motionless, his eyes fixed on Hamm, till the end. [2472] Hamm gives up.) [2473] Good. [2474] (Pause.) [2475] Discard. [2476] (HHe throws away the gaff, makes to throw away the dog, thinks better of it.) [2477] Piano piano. Take it easy. Easy does it. [2478] (Pause.) [2479] And now? [2480] (Pause.) [2481] Take off hat. [2482] (He raises his toque.) [2483] Peace to our...arses. [2484] (Pause.) [2485] And put on again. [2486] (He puts on his toque.) [2487] Deuce. [2488] (Pause. [2489] He takes off his glasses.) [2490] Wiêpe. [2491] (He takes out his handkerchief and, without unfolding it, wipes his glasses.) [2492] And put on again. [2493] (He puts on his glasses, puts back in his handkerchief in his pocket.)

[p. 42r]


[2494] We're coming. [2495] A few more []imbecilities like that and I'll call. [2496] (Pause.) [2497] A little poetry. [2498] (Pause.) [2499] You prayed ofr - [2500] (Pause. [2501] he corrects himself.) [2502] You CRIED for night; it comes - [2503] (Pause. [2504] xHe corrects himself.) [2505] It FALLS: now cry in darkness. [2506] (He repeats, chanting.) [2507] You cried for night; it falls: now cry in darkness. [2508] (Pause.) [2509] Nicely put that. [2510] (Pause.) [2511] And now? [2512] (Pause.) [2513] Instants Moments for nothing, still for nothing now as always, tilme was never and time is over, reckoning closed and story ended. [2514] (Pause. [2515] Narrative tone.) [2516] Could he have his child with him? [2517] (Pause.) [2518] It was the moment I was waiting for. [2519] (Pause.) [2520] You don't want to abandon him? [2521] You want him to grow up while you grow down bloom while you are withering[]. [2523] Be there to solace your last millions last moments? [2524] (Pause.) [2525] He doesn't realize, all he knows is hunger, and cold, and death to crown it all end []wind up with.. [2526] But you! [2527] You ought to know what the earth is like, nowadays. [2528] (Oh.) [2529] Oh I put him before his responsibilities! [2530] (Pause. [2531] Normal tone.) [2532] Well, we're there, there we are, I'm there, there I enough I am, that's enough. [2533] (He raises his whistle, hesitates, drops it.) [2535] Yes, truly! [2536] (He whistles. [2537] Pause. [2538] Louder. [2539] Pause.) [2540] Good. [2541] (Pause.) [2542] Father! [2543] (Pause. [2544] Louder.) [2545] Father! [2546] (Pause.) [2547] Good. [2548] (Pause.) [2549] We're coming. [2550] (Pause.) [2551] And to conclude end up with? [2552] (Pause.) [2553] Discard. [2554] (He throws away the dog. [2555] He tears the whistle from his neck.) [2556] With my compliments. [2557] (He throws whistle towards auditorium. [2558] Pause. [2559] He sniffs. [2560] Soft.) [2561] Clov! [2562] (Long pause.) [2563] No? [2563|001] (Pause.) [2564] Good. [2565] (He takes out his handkerchief.) [2566] Since that's the way we're playing it...(he unfolds handkerchief)...let's play it that way...(he unfolds)...and speak no more about it...(he gfinishes unfolding)...speak no more. [2567] (He holds the handkerchief spread out before him.) [2568] Old stancher! [2569] (Pause.) [2570] You...remain abide?. [2571] Pause. [2572] He raises the handkerchief covers his face with the handkerchief;, drops lowers his arms to armrests, remains motionless. [2572|001] Brief tableau.

[2573] Curtain


6 sSmart xx
12 soilman for scavenger
"you give me the creeps" for "you make me nervous"

42 conneries!
rivers and seas run with fish
piano piano

[p. 42v]

2 stancher, wiper, wipe
5 On horse

MS. Pages: 01r - 05r 06r - 10r 11r - 15r 16r - 20r 21r - 25r 26r - 30r 31r - 35r 36r - 40r 41r - 42v