Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0162] in my re[]collections, not to be resumed until I recovered my
senses, in this bed.
[0163] As to the events that led up to my faint-
ing and to which I can hardly have been oblivious, at the time,
they have left no discernible trace, on my mind.
[0164] But who has
not experienced such lapses?
[0165] They are common after drunkenness.
[0166] I have often amused mtyself with trying to invent them, those
same lost events.
[0167] But without succeeding in amusing myself really.

Segment 2

[0168] But what is the last thing I remeber remember, I could start from there,
before I came to my senses again here?
[0168|001] That too is lost. [0169] I was
walking certainly, all my life I have been walking, except the
first few months and since I have been here.
[0170] But at the end of
the day I did not know where I had been or what my thoughts had
[0171] What then could I be expected to remember, and with what?
[0172] I remember a mood.

Segment 3

[0173] My young days were more varied, such as they
come back to me, in fits and starts.
[0174] I did not know my way about
so well then.
[0175] I have lived in a kind of coma. [0176] The loss of con-
sciousness for me was never any great loss.
[0177] But perhaps I was
stunned with a blow, on the head, in a forest perhaps, yes, now
that I speak of a forest I vaguely remember a forest.
[0178] All that
belongs to the past.
[0179] Now it is the present I must establish, before
I am avenged.
[0180] It is an ordinary room.

Segment 4

[0181] I have little experience of
rooms, but this one seems quite ordinary to me.
[0182] The truth is, if
I did not feel myself dying, I could well believe myself dead,
expiating my sins, or in one of heaven's mansions.
[0183] But I feel at
last that the sands are running out, which would not be the case
if I were in heaven, or in hell.
[0184] Beyond the grave, the sensation
of being beyond the grave was stronger with me six months ago.

Addition 1
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions