Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[0011] which had first occurred to her...[⁁] [place = supralinear] sudden flash...brought up as she
had been to believe (laugh) [place = margin left] ...with the other waifs (laugh) a merciful (laugh)
(laugh)...God [place = margin left] (laugh)...first occurred to her...then dismissed...
as foolo [place = overwritten] ish...was perhaps no [place = inline] t so foolish...after all...
so on...all that...
[0012] till another thought some little time [place = margin left] long after...very childish really but - ...what?...
later it is true
ty [place = overwritten] he buzzing?...yes...all the time the! the ears...though of course actually...not in the ears
[0012] at the skull...the heart of the skull...and all
the time...this beam or from a moon...but no
doubt not...just all part of the wish to...torment...B [place = margin right] but
not in the least...not a twinge...for the moment...ha!...
for the moment...then this other thought...very childish
really but so like her...that she might do well to groan...
on and off...(writhe she could not) though in actual...
[0013]but could nt [place = overwritten] ot bring do as much as some flaw in her make-up...incapable of deceit...
[0014]dead silence of course...but for the!...
[0015]no part of her moving...that she could feel...only the
eyelids...presumably...from time to rest her
from the light...faint as it was...reflex they call it...
no feeling of any kind...but the lids...even at the best
of times...who feels them?...opening...shutting...all that
[0016] but the brain still sufficiently...oh very
much so!... [place = margin left] at this stage...on the alert [place = supralinear] in control... [place = supralinear] under question the matter..for
on that April it reasoned...that April
morning...she fixing with her eye...a distant cowslip...
as she hastened towards it...fixing it with her eye...
lest it elude her...had not all gone out...all that light...
of itself...without any...any...on her part...and so on...
[0016] so on it reasoned...deeper and deeper down...vain question-
ings...and all dead still...thought silent as the grave...
impossible to describe...when suddenly...gradually...she
real - ...what?...the buzzing?...yes all ded [place = overwritten] ad still but
for the!...
[0017]when suddenly she realized...
wors [place = overwritten] ds were - what?...I? [place = margin left] who?...what? [place = inline] NO!...she...realized words
were coming...WORDS WERE COMING!...a voice she did not was so long...since she had
uttered...[0018]but had finally to herself...s [place = overwritten] could
be no other...than her own...certain vowel sounds...she
had never that people would look
[0018]at her [place = margin left] ...on the rare unbroken flow [place = supralinear] stream ...she who had
never been...a talker...on the contrary...pract [place = inline] ically
speechless..all her she survived[0019]...even shop-
ping...busy shopping centre [place = margin left] ...supermart...just handed in the list...
with the shopping bag...then stood there waiting...any
length of time...motionless...staring into space...till
it was back in her hand...the bag...the [place = inline] n paid and went...
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt