Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Fin de partie / Endgame


MS. Pages: cover - 03r 03v - 08r 08v - 13r 13v - 18r 18v - 23r 23v - 28r 28v - 33r 33v - 38r 38v - 43r 43v - 48r 48v - 53r 53v - 58r 58v - 63r 63v - 68r 68v - 73r 73v - 78r 78v - backcover
[p. 73v]

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[p. 74r]


[2400] (bitterly) [2401] A spit!

[2402] Pause


[2403] (fixed gaze, tonelessly). [2404] They said to me, That's love, yes, yes, believe me it is [] don't say it isn't, now you see. how -


[2405] Articulate!


[2407] How easy it is. [2408] They said to me, That's friendship, yes, yes, I assure you it is make no mistake make no mistake, you've found it. [2409] They said to me, Here's the place, stop, raise your head and look at all that splendour. [2410] That order! [2411] They said to me, Come now, you're not a brute beast, think over these things and you'll see how all becomes clear. [2412] And simple! [2413] They said to me, All Yes, they are dying of their wounds, What skilled attention they get, all these wounded unto death.


[2414] Enough!


[2415] (as before). [2416] I say to myself - sometimes, Clov, you must learn to suffer better than that if you want them to weary of punishing you - one day. [2417] I say to myself - sometimes, Clov, you must be there better than that, if you want them to let you go - one day. [2418] But I feel too old, and too far, to be able to form new habits. [2419] G Good, it'll never end, I'll never go. [2420] (Pause.) [2421] Then suddenly, one day, suddenly, the thing ends, changes,

[p. 74v]

addition 24→

[2462] Old endgame lost of old, play and lose and have done with losing.

addition 25→

[p. 75r]

[2421] I don't understand, the thing dies, or it's me, I don't understand, any more than the rest that either. [2422] I ask the words that remain - sleep, waking, evening, morning. [2423] They have nothing to say. They can tell me nothing [2424] (Pause.) [2425] I open the door of the cell and go. [2426] I am so bowed I only see my feet, if I open my eyes, and between my legs a little trail of black dust. [2427] I say to myself that the earth is extinguished, though I never saw it lit. [2428] (Pause.) [2429] It's easy going. [2430] (Pause.) [2431] When I fall I'll weep for happiness.

[2432] Pause. [2433] He goes towards the door.


[2434] Clov! [2435] (Clov halts, without turning. [2436] Pause.) [2437] Nothing. [2438] (Clov moves on.) [2439] Clov!

[2440] Clov halts, without turning.


[2441] This is what we call making an exit.


[2442] I thank you, Clov. For your services.


[2443] (turning, sharply). [2444] Ah pardon, it's I who thank you.


[2445] It's we who thank each other. [2446] (Pause. [2447] Clov goes to the door.) [2448] One thing more. [2449] (Clov halts.) [2450] A last favour. [2452] Cover me with the sheet. [2451] (Exit Clov.) [2452] Cover me with the sheet. [2453] (Long pause.) [2454] No? [2455] Good. [2456] (Pause.) [2457] Me to play. My move [2460] (Pause. [2461] Wearily.) [2462] Old endgame lost of old, play and lose and have done with losing. [2463] (Pause. [2464] More animated.)

[p. 75v]

addition 26→
addition 27→


addition 28→


[p. 76r]

[2465] Let me see. [2466] (Pause.) [2467] Ah yes! [2468] (He tries to move the chair, thrusting with the gaffe against the floor. [2469] Enter Clov, dressed for the road. [2470] Panama, trench coat, raincoat over his arm, umbrella, bag. [2471] He halts by the door and stands there, impassive and motionless, staring observ his eyes fixed on Hamm, till the end. [2472] Hamm gives up.) [2473] Good. [2474] (Pause.) [2475] Discard. [2476] (He throws down away the gaffe , makes to throw away the dog, changes his mind.) [2477] Piano piano. [2478] (Pause.) [2479] And now? [2480] (Pause.) [2481] Take off hat. [2482] (He takes raises his toque.) [2483] Peace to our... arses. Peace be with.... [2484] (Pause.) [2485] And put it on again. [2486] (He puts on his toque.) [2487] Deuce. [2488] (Pause. [2489] He takes off his glasses.) [2490] Wipe. [2491] (He takes out his handkerchief and, without unfolding it, wipes his glasses.) [2492] And put on again. [2493] (He puts the handkerchief back in his pocket, puts on his glasses.) [2494] We're coming. [2495] A few more like that and I'll call. [2496] (Pause.) [2497] A little poetry. [2498] (Pause.) [2499] You prayed for - [2500] (Pause [2501] He corrects himself.) [2502] You cried CRIED for night; it comes - [2503] (Pause. [2504] He corrects himself.) [2505] It FALLS: now cry now in darkness. [2506] (He repeats, chanting.) [2502] You called cried for night, it fell it falls: cry now in darkness. [2507] You cried for night; it falls: now cry now in darkness. [2508] (Pause.) [2509] Nicely put. [2510] (Pause.) [2511] And now? [2512] (Pause) [2513] Instants for nothing, still for nothing, time was never and time is over, reckoning closed and story ended. [2513] Instants for nothing, still for nothing, time was never and time is over, reckoning closed and story ended. [2514] (Pause. [2515] Narrative tone.) [2516] If he could have his child with him. [2517] (Pause.) [2518] It was the moment (instant) I was waiting for. [2519] (Pause.) [2520] You don't want to abandon him? [2521] You want

[p. 76v]


25.000 hours

one day

addition 29→
addition 30→

[p. 77r]

[2521] him to grow up while you ge grow down? [2522] (Pause.) [2523] Be there to comfort (solace) your last million last moments? [2524] (Pause) [2525] He doesn't realize, all he knows is hunger, and cold, and death to crown it all. [2526] But you! [2527] You ought to know what the earth is like, nowadays. [2528] (Pause) [2529] Oh I put him before his responsibilities! [2530] (Pause. [2531] Normal tone.) [2532] Well, there we are, there I am, that's enough. [2533] (He raises his whistle, hesitates, drops it.) [2535] Yes, truly! [2536] (He whistles. [2537] Pause. [2538] Louder. [2539] Pause.) [2540] Good. [2541] (Pause.) [2542] Father! [2543] (Pause. [2544] Louder.) [2545] Father! [2546] (Pause.) [2547] Good. [2548] (Pause.) [2549] We're coming. [2550] (Pause.) [2551] And to conclude (wind up with). [2552] (Pause.) [2553] Discard. [2554] (He throws away the dog. [2555] He tears the whistle from his neck.) [2556] With my compliments. [2557] (He throws the whistle towards auditorium. [2558] Pause. [2559] He sniffs. [2560] x Soft.) [2561] Clov! [2562] (Long pause.) [2563] No? [2563|001] Good. (Pause.) [2564] Good. [2565] (He takes out his handkerchief.) [2566] Since that's the way we're playing it... (he unfolds the handkerchief)... let's play it that way... (he unfolds)..... and not another word about it... Talk Speak no more about it... talk speak no more. (he finishes unfolding)... not another word. [2567] (He holds the handkerchief spread out before him.) [2568] Old stancher! [2569] (Pause.) [2570] You....... stay with me. You... remain.

[2571] Pause. [2572] He brings brings the handkerchief towards his face. [2573] Curtain.

Ussy June 5th 57

[p. 77v] [p. 78r]
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