Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[0004] ...birth...into this world...this world...of a tiny
little thing...five pounds [place = supralinear] premature [place = margin left] before her [place = margin left] its a godfor - ...what?
girl?...yes [place = margin left] all right...tiny little girl... [place = supralinear] birth into a
godforsaken the bog...named - ...what?... [place = inline] what?...
the downs? godfo the downs?...godforsaken hole in the!...the bog...godforsaken hole in the
bog...named...named...forgotten [place = margin left] matter......
[0005]to parents unknown...[⁁] [place = supralinear] unheard of...
he having vanished into...thin sooner done...his devilish work [place = supralinear] pulled [place = margin left] buttoned [✓] up his trousers...and she similarly...
nine [place = supralinear] eight months
later almost t t to the minute...[0006]so no love...such
as normally showered on the...speechless
the indeed for that matter any of any any usual affair...
nothing worthh [place = overwritten] y of note
[0007]till...coming up to sixty when...
what?...sixty-five?...coming up to sixty-five...walking
in a field...searching aimlessly for make
a ball [place = margin left] ...stop & stare into space...when suddenly [place = margin left] ...gradually...all went out...all that early
April morning light...and she found herself u [place = overwritten] in the - ...
what?...I? [place = margin left] who?...what? [place = overwritten] NO!...she...found herself in the dark...
[0008]and if not exactly...insentient...insentient...for she
still could hear the! the ears...
and a ray of light...such as the moon might cast...drift- light...came and went...came and out of cloud
and went...such as the moon might and
out of cloud...but lessened [place = supralinear] dulled...sensation [place = supralinear] feeling...sensation [place = supralinear] feeling so lessened [place = supralinear] dulled...she did not know...what position she was in!... [place = margin left] imagine...what position she was in!...
whether standing...or sitting...but the brain - ...what?...
lying? [place = margin left] ...yes...whether standing...or sitting...or lying...
the brain a sense [place = supralinear] way...for her first thought was...after some little time to be sure [place = margin left] long after...her first thought...
[place = margin left] sudden flash...brought up as she had been to believe (laugh) [place = margin left] ... [place = margin left] with the other waifs (laugh) a merciful (laugh) merciful (laugh)...God (laugh)...[0010]first
thought was... [place = margin left] flash in the dark...she was being punished...for her sins...a number [place = supralinear] some of which then...further proof if proof were need-
ed...flashed through her mind...
[0011]then dismissed as foolish...
this thought she gradually realized...she was
not suffering!... [place = margin left] imagine...not suffering!..indeed could not remember...when she had
suffered less...unless of course she was...meant to be suf-
fering...thought to be suffereing...just as so often in
her life...when clearly intended [place = supralinear] meant to be t [place = overwritten] having pleasure...
she was in fact...having [place = supralinear] none...not the which case
of course...that notion of punishment...for some sin or
other...or for no particular reason...for its own sake...
thing she understood perfectly...that notion of punishment..
Library - Sam. Beckett
MOUTH, upstage audience R,
foot in loose black djellaba, fully faintly lit, [⁁] [place = margin left] standing on invisible podium 4' high [place = supralinear] , shown by attitude alone to be
facing diagonally across stage
single brief movement where indicated. Stage light on when curtain up.
House lights out. Voice continues unintelligible behind curtain,
10 seconds. As curtain rises...
world...birth...into this lib. leading when curtain
fully up into
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt