[p. 43v] addition 18→ addition 19→ addition 20→ addition 21→
[2092] [p. 44r] in the meantime the voice continues, while the
messenger goes towards the master, and while
the master reads, and while the messenger
comes back, with the verdict, the voice words
continue, xxx the wrong words, until the
order arrives, to stop everything, or to continue
everything, no, superfluous, everything will continue automatically, until the order arrives
to stop everything. [2093] They are perhaps there, somewhere, in what they have just said, the words
that had to be said, they are not necessarily
numerous need not be more than a few. [2094] They
say they, speaking of them, to make me think it is
I who am speaking. [2095] Or I say they, speaking of
god knows what, to make me think it is not I
who am speaking. [2096] Or rather there is silence,
from the moment the messenger departs, until
his return with the master's xx order, namely,
Continue. [2097] For there are long silences, from time
to time, truces, and then I hear them murmur
whisper, some whi perhaps whispering, It's over,
this time we've drawn blood hit the mark, and the others,
We'll have to start all over again do it all over
again, in other te words, or in the same words,
differently arranged. [2098] Respite then once a, if one
can call that a respite respite is the word for it
one can call that a respite, when one waits to know
one's fate, saying, Perhaps it's not that at all,
and saying, Where do these words come from
that pour from out of my mouth, and what do they
mean, no, saying nothing, for the words
have come to a stop stopped stopped, if x one can call that
waiting, when there is no reason, and one
listens, that stet, without reason, as from the
beginning, because one day the listening began,
because it cannot stop, that's not a reason,
if one can call that respite. [2099] But what is this
business about not being able to die, live, be
born, that must xx have some significance, this
business about staying where you are, dying,
living, being b being born, unable to go forward,
or back, x not knowing where you came from,
where you are, where you're going, or that
it's possible, to be elsewhere, or otherwise,
be otherwise to be otherwise, supposing nothing,
asking yourself nothing, you can't, you are there,
who you don't know, where you don't know, the
thing stays where it is, nothing changes, in it,
about it, apparently, apparently. [2100] There's
nothing to do but wait for the end, there's nothing
but for the end to come, The only thing is to wait for the end,
the only thing is for the end to come, and at the end it will
be the same thing, at the end at last perhaps
the same thing as before, xxx all that long time,
when the only thing was to get to the end,
or fly from it, or wait for it in trembling for it xxx, or