Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


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[p. 81r]

[1502] noticed, having been nothing but a series or rather a succession of local phenomena all my life, without any result. [1503] But my fingers too write in other latitudes and the air that breathes through my pages and turns them without my knowing, when I doze off, so that the subject falls far from the verb and the object lands somewhere in the void, is not the air of this second-last abode, and a mercy it is. [1504] And perhaps on my hands it is the shimmer of the shadows of leaves and flowers and the brightness of a forgotten sun. [1505] Now my sex, I mean the tube itself, and in particualr[ lar] the nozzle, from which when I was yet a virgin clouts and gouts of sperm came streaming and splashing up into my face, a continuous flow, while it lasted, and which must still drip a little piss from time to time, otherwise I would be dead of uraemia, I do not expect to see my sex again, with my naked eye, not that I wish to, we've stared at each other long enough, in the eye, but it gives you some idea. [1506] But that is not all and my extremities are not the only parts to recede, in their respective directions, far from it. [1507] For my arse for example, which can hardly be accused of being the end of anything, if my arse suddenly started to shit at the present moment, which God forbid, I firmly believe the lumps would fall out in Australia. [1508] And if I were to stand up again, from which God preserve me, I fancy I would fill a considerable part of the universe, oh not more than lying down, but more noticeably. [1509] For it is a thing I have often noticed, the best way to pass unnoticed is to lie down flat and not move. [1510] And so there I am, who always thought I would shrivel and shrivel, more and more, until in the end I could be

[p. 82r]

[1510] almost buried in a casket, swelling. [1512] No matter, what matters is that in spite of my stories I continue to fit in this room, let us call it a room, that's all that matters, and I need not worry, I'll fit in it as long as needs be. [1513] And if I ever succeed in breathing my last it will not be in the street, or in a hospital, but here, in the midst of my possessions, beside this window that sometimes looks as if it were painted on the wall, like Tiepolo's ceiling at Würzburg, what a tourist I must have been, I even remember the diaeresis, if it is one. [1514] If only I could be sure, of my deathbed I mean. [1515] And yet how often I have seen this old head swing out through the door, low, for my big old bones weigh heavy, and the door is low, lower and lower in my opinion. [1516] And each time it bangs against the jamb, my head does, for I am tall, and the landing is small, and the man carrying my feet cannot wait, before he starts down the stairs, for the whole of me to be out, on the landing I mean, but he has to start turning before that, so as not to bang into the wall, of the landing I mean. [1517] So my head bangs against the jamb, it's inevitable. [1518] And it doesn't matter to my head, in the state it is in, but the man carrying it says, Eh Bob esay[] !, out of respect perhaps, for he doesn't know me, he didn't know me, or for fear of hurting his fingers. [1519] Bang! [1520] Easy! [1521] Right! [1522] The door!, [1523] and the room is vacant at last and ready to receive, after disinfection, for you can't be too careful, a large family or a pair of turtle doves. [1524] Yes, the event is past, but it's too soon to use it, hence the delay, that's what I tell myself. [1525] But I tell myself so many things, what truth is there in all this

[p. 83r]

[1525] babble? [1526] I don't know. [1527] I simply believe I can say nothing that is not true, I mean that has not happened, it's not the same thing but no matter. [1528] Yes, that's what I like about me, at least one of the things, that I can say,Up the Republic!, for example, or, Sweetheart!, for example, without having to wonder if I should not rather have cut my tongue out, or said something else. Yes, no reflection is needed, before or after, I have only to open my mouth for it to testify to the old story, my old story, and to the long silence that has silenced me, so that all is silent. [1529] And if I ever stop talking it will be because there is nothing to be said, even though all has not been said, even though ntohing [] has been said. [1530] But let us leave these morbid matters and get on with that of my demise, in two or three days if I remember rightly. [1531] Then it will be all over with the Murphys, Merciers, Molloys, Morans and Malones, unless it goes on beyond the grave. [1532] But sufficient unto the day, let us first defunge, then we'll see. [1533] How many have I killed, hitting them on the head or setting fire to them? [1534] Off hand I can only think of four, all unknowns, I never knew anyone. [1535] A sudden wish, I have a sudden wish to see, as sometimes in the old days, something, anything, no matter what, something I could not have imagined. [1536] There was the old butler too, in London I think, there's London again, I cut his throat with his razor, [1537] that makes five. [1538] It seems to me he had a name. [1539] Yes, what I need now is a touch of the unimaginable, coloured for preference, that would do me good. [1540] For this may well be my last journey, down the long familiar galleries, with my little suns and moons that I hang aloft and my pockets

[p. 84r]

[1540] full of pebbles to stand for men and their seasons, my last, if I'm lucky. [1541] Then back here, to me, whatever that means, and no more leaving me, no more asking me for what I haven't got. [1542] Or perhaps we'll all come back, reunited, done with parting, done with prying on one another, back to this foul little den all dirty white and vaulted, as though hollowed out of ivory, an[] old rotten tooth. [1543] Or alone, back alone, as alone as when I went, but I doubt it, I can hear them from here, clamouring after me down the corridors, stumbling through the rubble, beseeching me to take them with me. [1544] That settles that. [1545] I have just time, if I have calculated right, and if I have calculated wrong so much the better, I ask nothing better, besides I haven't calculated anything, don't ask anything either, [1546] just time to go and take a little turn, come back here and do all I have to do, I forget what, ah yes, put my possessions in order, and then something else, I forget what, but it will come back to me, when the time comes. [1547] But before I go I should like to find a hole in the wall behind which so much goes on, such extraordinary things, and often coloured. [1548] One last glimpse and I feel I could slip away as happy as if I were embarking for - I nearly said for Cythera, decidedly it is time for this to stop. [1549] After all this window is whatever I want it to be, up to a point, that's right, don't compromise yourself. [1550] What strikes me to begin with is how much rounder it is than it was, so that it looks like a bull's-eye, or a porthole. [1551] No matter, provided there is something on the other side. [1552] First I see the night, which surprises me, to my surprise, I suppose because I want to be surprised, just once more. [1553] For in the room it is not night, I know, here it is never really night,

[p. 85r]

[1553] I don't care what I said, but often darker than now, whereas out there up in the sky it is black night, with few stars, just enough to show that the black night I see is truly of mankind and not merely painted on the window-pane, for they tremble, like true stars, as they would not do if they were painted. [1554] And as if that were not enough to satisfy me it is the outer world, the other world, suddenly the window across the way lights up, or suddenly I realize it is lit up, for I am not one of those people who can take in everything at a single glance, but I have to look long and fixedly and give things time to travel the long road that lies between me and them. [1555] And that indeed is a happy chance and augurs well, unless it be devised on purpose to make mock of me, for I might have found nothing better to speed me from this place than the nocturnal sky where nothing happens, though it is full of tumult and violence, [1556] nothing unless you have the whole night before you to follow the slow fall and rise of other worlds, when there are any, or watch out for the meteors, and I have not the whole night before me. [1557] And it does not matter to me whether they have risen before dawn, or not yet gone to bed, or risen in the middle of the night intending perhaps to go back to bed when they have finished, and it is enough for me to see them standing up against each other behind the curtain, which is dark, so that it is a dark light, if one may say so, and dim the shadow they cast. For they cleave so fast together that they seem a single body, and consequently a

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