Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


MS. Pages: 1pp. 01r - 06r 2pp. 06r(2) - 10r 3pp. 11r - 15r 4pp. 16r - 20r 5pp. 21r - 25r 6pp. 26r - 30r 7pp. 31r - 35r 8pp. 36r - 40r 9pp. 41r - EXTRACT1-01r 10pp. EXTRACT1-02r - EXTRACT1-06r 11pp. 48r - 52r 12pp. 53r - 57r 13pp. 58r - 62r 14pp. 63r - 67r 15pp. 68r - 72r 16pp. 73r - 77r 17pp. 78r - 82r 18pp. 83r - 87r 19pp. 88r - 92r 20pp. 93r - 97r 21pp. 98r - 103r 22pp. 104r - 108r 23pp. 109r - 113r 24pp. 114r - 118r 25pp. 119r - 123r 26pp. 124r - 128r 27pp. EXTRACT2-01r - 133r 28pp. 134r - 138r 29pp. 139r - 143r 30pp. 144r - 146r

[2134] But the question is not there, for the moment,[p. 98r] no one knows where it is, but it's not there, for the time being. [2135] Yes, there's great fun to be got from an eye, it weeps for the least little thing, a yes, a no, the yesses make it weep, the noes too, the perhapses particularly, with the result that the grounds for these staggering pronouncements do not always receive the attention they deserve. [2136] Mahood too, I mean Worm, Worm too, no, Mahood, Mahood too is a great weeper, in case it hasn't been mentioned, [2137] his beard is soaking with the stuff, it's completely ridiculous, especially as it doesn't relieve him in the least, what could it possibly relieve him of, the poor brute is as cold as a fish, incapable even of cursing his creator, it's purely mechanical. [2138] But it's time Mahood was forgotten, he should never have been mentioned. [2139] No doubt. [2140] But is it possible to forget him? [2141] It is true one forgets everything. [2142] And yet it is greatly to be feared that Mahood will never let himself be completely resorbed. [2143] Worm yes, Wormm will disappear completely, as if he had never been, which indeed is very probably the case, as if one could ever disappear completely without having been at some previous stage. [2144] That's soon said. [2145] But Mahood too for that matter. [2146] It's not clear, tut tut, it's not clear at all. [2147] No matter. Mahood will stay where he was put, stuck up to his skull in his vase, opposite the shambles, beseeching the passers-by, without a word, or a gesture, or any play of features, they don't play, to perceive him ostensibly, concomitantly with the day's dish, or independently, for reasons unknown, perhaps in the hope of being proven in the swim, that is to say guaranteed to sink, sooner or later, that must be it, such notions may be entertained, without any process of thought. [2148] I myself am exceptionally given to the tear, I would have preferred this kept dark, in their position I would have omitted this detail, the truth being I have no exutory at my disposal, but literally none, neither the aforementioned nor those less noble, how can one enjoy good health under such conditions, and what is one to believe, that is not the point, [2153] [p. 100r] believe I've piped up before they've done with me. [2154] The master in any case, we don't intend, listen to them hedging , we don't intend, unless absolutely driven to it, to make the mistake of inquiring into him, he'd turn out to be a mere high official, we'd end up by needing God, [] and though admittedly we have lost all sense of decency there still are certain depths we prefer not to sink to. [2155] Let us keep to the family circle, it's more intimate, we know one another by now, no surprises to be feared, the will has been opened, nothing for anybody. [2156] This eye, curious how this eye invites inspection, demands sympathy, solicits attention, implores assistance, to do what, it's not clear, to stop weeping, have a quick look round, goggle an instant and close forever. [2157] It's it you see and it alone, in this face, it's from it you set out to look for a face, to it you return having found nothing, nothing worth while, nothing but a kind of ashen smear, perhaps it's long grey hair, hanging in a tangle round the mouth, greasy with ancient tears, or the fringe of a mantle spread like a veil, or fingers opening and closing to try and shut out the world, or all together, fingers, hair and rags, mingled inextricably. [2158] Suppositions all equally inane, it's enough to enounce them to regret having spoken, familiar torment, a different past, it's often to be wished, different from yours, when you find out what it was. [2159] He is hairless and naked and his hands, laid flat on his knees once and for all, are in no danger of getting into mischief. [2160] And the face? [2161] Balls, all balls, I don't believe in the eye either, , there's nothing here, nothing to see, nothing to see with blessed coincidence, when you think what it would be, a world without [] spectator, and vice versa, brrr! [2162] No spectator then, and better still no spectacle, good riddance. [2163] If this noise could stop there'd be nothing more to say. [2164] I wonder what the all the chat is about at the moment. [2165] Worm presumably. [2166] Mahood being abandoned. [2167] And I await my turn. [2168] Yes, I do not despair, all things considered, of drawing their attention to my case, some fine day. [2169] Not that it[p. 101r] offers the least interest, hey, something wrong there, not that it is particularly interesting, I'll accept that, but it's my turn, I too have the right to be shown impossible. [2170] This will never end, there's no point in [] fooling oneself, yes it will, they'll [] come round to it, after me it will be the end, they'll give up, saying, It's all a bubble, we've been told a lot of lies, he's been told a lot of lies, who he, the master, by whom, no one knows, the eternal third party, he 's the one to blame for this state of affairs, the master's not to blame, neither are they, neither am I, least of all I, we were foolish to accuse one another, the master me, them, himself, they me, the master, themselves, I them, the master myself, we are all innocent, enough. [2171] Innocent of what, no one knows , of wanting to know, wanting to be able, of all this noise about nothing, of this long offence against the silence that enfolds us all, we won't ask any more, what it covers, this innocence we have fallen to, it covers everything, all faults, all questions, it puts an end to questions. [2172] Then it will be over, thanks to me it will be all over, they'll depart, one by one, or they'll drop, they'll let themselves drop, where they stand, and never move again, thanks to me, who could understand nothing, of all they deemed it their duty to tell [] me, do nothing, of all they deemed it their duty to tell me to do, and upon us all the silence will fall again, and settle, like dust of sand, on the arena, after the massacres. [2173] Bewitching prospect if there ever was one, they are beginning to come round to my opinion, after all it's possible I have one, they make me say, If onyl this, of only that, but the idea is theirs, no, the idea is not theirs either. [2174] As far as I personally am concerned there is every likelihood of my being incapable of desiring or deploring anything whatsoever. [2175] For it would seem difficult for someone, if I may so describe myself, to aspire towards a situation of which, notwithstanding the enthusiastic descriptions lavished on him, he has not the remotest idea, or to desire with a straight face the cessation of that other, equally unintelligible, assigned to him in the begin-[p. 102r] beginning and never modified. [2176] This silence they are always talking about, from which supposedly he came, to which he will return when his act is over, he doesn't know what it is, nor what he is meant to do, in order to deserve it. [2177] That's the bright boy of the class speaking now, he's the one always called to the rescue when things go badly, he talks all the time of merit and situations, he has saved morethan one, of suffering too, he knows how to stimulate the flagging spirit, stop the rot, with the simple use of this mighty word alone, even if he has to add, a moment later, when the danger is past, But what suffering, since he has always suffered, which rather damps the rejoicings. [2178] But he soon makes up for it, he puts all to rights again, invoking the celebrated notions of quantity, habit-formation, wear [] and tear, and others too numerous for him to mention, and which he is thus in a position, in the the next belch, to decalre inapplicable to the case before him, for there is no end to his wit. [2179] But, see above, have they not already bent over me till black and blue in the face, nay, have they ever done anything else, during the past — no, no dates for pity's sake, and anotehr question, what am I doing in Mahood's story, and in Worm's, or rather what are they doing in mine, there are some irons in the fire [] to be going on with, let them melt. DOODLE 14 [2180.1] Oh I know, I know, attention please, this may mean something, I know, there's nothing new there, it's all part of the same old irresistible boloney, namely, But my dear man, come, be reasonable, look, this is you, look at this photograph, and here's your file, no convictions, I assure you, come now, make an effort, at your age, to have no identity, it's a scandal, I assure you, look at this photograph, what, you see nothing, true for you, no matter, here, look at this death's-head, you'll see, you'll be all right, it won't last long, here, look, here's the record, insults to policemen, indecent exposure, sins against holy ghost, contempt of court, impertinence to superiors, impudence to inferiors, deviations from reason, without[p. 103r] battery, look, no battery, it's nothing, you'll be all right, you'll see, I beg your pardon, does he work, good God no, out of the question, [2180.2] look, here's the mediacl report, spasmodic tabes, painless ulcers (gommes), I repeat, painless, all is painless, multiple softenings, numerous hardenings, insensitive to blows, sight failing, chronic indigestion, light diet, shit well tolerated, hearing failing, heart irregular, sweet-tempered, smell failing, soun d sleeper, no erections, would you like some more, commission in the territorials, inoperable, untransportable, look, here's the face, no no, the other end, I assure you, it's a bargain, I beg your pardon, does he drink, good God yes, passionately, I beg your pardon, father and mother, both dead, at seven months interval, he at the [/]conception, she at the nativity, I assure you, you won't do better, at your age, to have no human shape, the pity of it, look, here's the photograph, you'll see, you'll be all right, what does it amount to, after all, a painful moment, on the surface, then peace, underneath, it's the only way, take my word, the only way out, I beg your pardon, have I nothing else, why certainly, certainly, just a second, I was wondering myself, just a second, if you were not rather, just a second, here we are, this one here, but I wanted to make sure, what, you don't understand, neither do I, no matter, it's no time for levity, yes, I was right, no doubt this time, it's you all over, [2180.3] look, here's the photograph, have a look at that, he's dying on his feet, you'd better hurry, it's a bargain, and so on, so on, till I'm tempted, no, all lies, they know it well, I never understood, I haven't stirred, I'm all right, I'll be all right, when they depart, I haven't stirred, all I've said, said I've done, said I've been, it's they who said it, I've said nothing, I haven't stirred, they don't understand, I can't stir, they think I don't want to, that their conditions don't suit me, that they'll hit on others, in the end, to my liking, then I'll stir, they'll have put me in their pocket, off the cushion, that's how I see it, no, I see nothing, they don't ubderstand , I can't go towards[p. 104r] them, they'll have to come and get me, if they want me, Mahood won't get me out, nor Worm either, they set great hopes on Worm, to coax me out, he was something new, different from all the others, meant to be, perhaps he was, for me they're all the same, they don't understand, I can't stir, I'm all right here, I'd be all right, if they'd leave me, let them come and get me, if they want me, they'll find nothing, then they can depart, with an esay mind.

MS. Pages: 1pp. 01r - 06r 2pp. 06r(2) - 10r 3pp. 11r - 15r 4pp. 16r - 20r 5pp. 21r - 25r 6pp. 26r - 30r 7pp. 31r - 35r 8pp. 36r - 40r 9pp. 41r - EXTRACT1-01r 10pp. EXTRACT1-02r - EXTRACT1-06r 11pp. 48r - 52r 12pp. 53r - 57r 13pp. 58r - 62r 14pp. 63r - 67r 15pp. 68r - 72r 16pp. 73r - 77r 17pp. 78r - 82r 18pp. 83r - 87r 19pp. 88r - 92r 20pp. 93r - 97r 21pp. 98r - 103r 22pp. 104r - 108r 23pp. 109r - 113r 24pp. 114r - 118r 25pp. 119r - 123r 26pp. 124r - 128r 27pp. EXTRACT2-01r - 133r 28pp. 134r - 138r 29pp. 139r - 143r 30pp. 144r - 146r