Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


MS. Pages: cover - 04r 05r - 09r 10r - 14r 15r - 19r 20r - 24r 25r - 29r 30r - 34r 35r - 39r 40r - 44r 45r - 49r 50r - 54r 55r - 59r 60r - 64r 65r - 69r 70r - 74r 75r - 79r 80r - 84r 85r - 89r 90r - 94r 95r - 99r 100r - 104r 105r - 109r 110r - 114r 115r - 119r 120r - 124r 125r - 129r 130r - 134r 135r - 139r 140r - 144r 145r - 149r 150r - 154r 155r - 158r
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[2454] makes its voice heard, and then the other night sounds that you cannot tell the meaning of. [2455] And it sometimes happened that Macmann, weary of not being alone, went away alone and back into his cell and remained there until Lemuel rejoined him, much later. [2456] It was a genuine English park, though far from England, extravagantly unformal, luxuriant to the point of wildness, the trees at war with one another, and the bushes, and the wild flowers and weeds, all ravening for earth and light. [2457] One evening Macmann went back to his cell with a branch torn from a dead bramble, for use as a stick to support him as he walked. Then Lemuel took it from him and struck him with it over and over again, no, that won't work, then Lemuel called a keeper by the name of Pat, a thorough brute though puny in appearance, and said to him, Pat, will you look at that. [2458] Then Pat snatched the stick from Macmann who, seeing the turn things were taking, was holding it clutched tight in his two hands, and struck him with it until Lemuel told him to stop, and even for some little time afterwards. [2459] All this without a word of explanation. [2460] So that a little later Macmann, having brought back from his walk a hyacinth he had torn up bulb and roots in the hope of being able to keep it a little longer thus than if he had simply plucked it, was fiercely reprimanded by Lemuel who wrenched the pretty flower from his hands and threatened to hand hilm over to Jack again, no, to Pat again, Jack is a different one. [2461] And yet the fact of having half demolished the bush, a kind of laurel, in order to hide in it, had never brought upon his head the least reproof. [2462] This is not necessarily surprising, there was no proof against him. [2463] Had he been questioned about it he would naturally have told the truth, for he did

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[2463] would naturally have told the truth, for he did not suspect he had done anything wrong. [2464] But they must have assumed he would do nothing but lie and stoutly deny and that it was therefore useless to press him with questions. [2465] Besides no questions were ever asked in the House of Saint John of God's, but stern measures were simply taken, or not taken, according to the dictatesof dictates of a peculiar logic. [2466] For, when you come to think of it, in virtue of what possible principle of justice can a flower in the hand fix fasten on the bearer the crime of having gathered it? [2467] Or was the mere fact of holding it for all to see in itself a felony, analogous to that of the receiver or fence? [2468] And if so would it not have been preferable to make this known, quite plainly and frankly, to all concerned, so that the sense of guilt, instead of beremy merely following on the guilty act, might precede and accompany it as well? [2469] Problem. But nicely posed, I think, very nicely indeed. [2470] Thanks to the white cloak with its blue butcher stripes no confsusion was possible between the Macmanns on the one hand and the Lemuels, Pats and Jacks on the other. [2471] The birds. [2472] Numerous and varied in the dense foliage they lived without fear all the year round, or in fear only of their congeners, and those which in summer or in winter flew off to other climes came back the following winter or the following summer, rought roughly speaking. [2473] The air was filled with their voices, especially at dawn or dusk, and those which seyt off in flocks in the morning, such as the crows and starlings, for distant pastures, came back the same evening all joyous to the sanctuary, where therir sentinels awaited them. [2474] The gulls were many in stormy weather which paused here on their flight inland. [2475] They wheeled long in the

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[2475] cruel air, screeching with anger, then settled in the grass or on the house-tops, mistrustful of the trees. [2476] But that is all beside the the point, like so many things. [2477] All is pretext, Sapo and the birds, Moll, the peasants, those who in the towns seek one another out and fly from one another, my doubts which do not interest me, my situation, my possessions, pretext for not coming to the point, the abandoning, the raising of the arms and going down, without further splash, even though it may annoy the bathers. [2478] Yes, there is no good pretending, it is hard to leave everything. [2479] The horror-worn eyes linger abject on all they have beseeched so long, in a last prayer, the true pre[]ayer at last, the one that asks for nothing. [2480] And it is then a little breath of fulfuilment revives the dead longings and a murmur is born in the silent world, reproaching you affectionately with having despaired too late. [2481] The last word in the way of viaticum? viaticum. [2482] Let us try it another way. [2483] The pure plateau

[2484] Try and go on. [2485] Thxe pure plateau air. [2486] Yes , Yes, it was a plateau, Moll had not lied, or rather a great mound with gentle slopes. [2487] The entire top was occupied by the domain of Saint John and there the wind blew almost without ceasing, causing the stoutest trees to bend and groan, breaking the boughs, tossing the bushes, lashing the the ferns to fury and whirling leaves fury, flattening the grass and whirling leaves and flowers far away, I hope I have not forgotten anything. [2488] Good. [2489] A high wall encompassed it about, without however shutting off the view, unless you happened to be in its lee. [2490] How was this possible.? [2491] Why thanks to the rising ground to

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[2491] be sure, culminating in a summit called the Rock, because of ythe rock that was on it. From here a fine view as was to be obtained of the plain, the sea, the mountains, the smoke of the town and the buildings of the institution, bulking large in spite of their remoteness and all astir with little dots or flecks forever appearing and disappearing, in reality the keepers coming and going, perhaps mingled with I was going to say with the prisoners! For seen from this distance the striped cloak had no stripes, nor indeed any great resemblance to a cloak at all. So that one could only say, when the first shock of surprise was past, Those are men and women, you know, people, without being able to specigfy further. [2492] A stream at long intervals bestrid - but to hell with all this fucking scenery. [2493] Where could it have risen anyway, tell me that. [2494] Underground perhaps. [2495] In a word a little Paradise for those who like their nature sloven. [2496] Macmann sometimes wondered what was lacking to his happiness. [2497] The right to be abroad in all weathers morning, noon and night, trees and bushes with outstretched branches to wrap him round and hide him, food and lodging such as they were free of all charge, superb views on every hand out over the lifelong enemy, a minimum of persecution and corporal punishment, the song of the birds, no hiuman contact except with Lemuel who went out of his way to avoid him, the faculties of memory and reflection stunned by the incessant walking and high wind, Moll dead, what more could he wish? [2498] I must be happy, he said, it is less pleasan that pleasant than I should have thought. [2499] And he clung closer and closer to the wall, but not too close, for it was guarded, seeking a way out into the desoltation of having nobody and nothing, the wilds of the hunted, the

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[2499] scant bread and the scant shelter and the black joy of the solitary way, in helplessness and willlessness, through all the beauty, the knowing and the loving. [2500] Which he satated by saying, for he was artless, I have had enough, without pausing a moment to consider reflect on what it was he had enough of or to compare it with what[] it had been he had had enough of, until he lost it, and which he would have enough of again, when he got it back again, and without suspecting that the thing so often felt to be excessive, and honoured by such a variety of names, was perhaps in relai reality always one and the same. [2501] But there was one reflecting in his place and setting down coldly the sign of equality where it was needed, as if that could make any difference. [2502] So he had only to go on gasping, in huis artless way, Enough, enough, as he crept along by the wall under the cover of the bushes, searching for a breach through which he might slip out, under cover of night, or a place with footholds where he might climb over. [2503] But the wall was unbroken and smooth and topped uninterruptedly with broken glass, of a bottle green. [2504] But let us cast a glance at the main entrance, wide enough to admit two large vehicles simultaneosuly abreast and flanked by two charming lodges covered with Virginia creeper and occupied by large fam deserving families, to judge by the swarms of little brats playing nearby, pursuing one another with cries of joy, rage and grief. [2505] But space hemmed him in on every side and held him in its toils, with the multitude of other faintly stirring, faintly struggling things, such as the children, the lodges and the gates, and like a sweat of things the moments streamed away in a great chaotic conflux of ozozings and torrents, and the trapped huddled

MS. Pages: cover - 04r 05r - 09r 10r - 14r 15r - 19r 20r - 24r 25r - 29r 30r - 34r 35r - 39r 40r - 44r 45r - 49r 50r - 54r 55r - 59r 60r - 64r 65r - 69r 70r - 74r 75r - 79r 80r - 84r 85r - 89r 90r - 94r 95r - 99r 100r - 104r 105r - 109r 110r - 114r 115r - 119r 120r - 124r 125r - 129r 130r - 134r 135r - 139r 140r - 144r 145r - 149r 150r - 154r 155r - 158r