MS. Pages: | 01r - 05r | 06r - 10r | 11r - 15r | 16r - 20r | 21r - 25r | 26r - 30r | 31r - 35r | 36r - 40r | 41r - 42v |

Hamm |
[0873] And now? |
Clov |
[0873|001] |
Hamm |
[0876] No gulls? |
Clov |
Hamm |
Clov |
[0881] (lowering the glass, turning towards Hamm, exasperated).
[0882] What |
[0883] Pause.
Hamm |
[0884] The waves, how are the waves? |
Clov |
[0885] The waves?
[0885|001] |
Hamm |
[0888] And the sun. |
Clov |
Hamm |
[0891] But it should be |
Clov |
Hamm |
[0895] Is it night already then? |
Clov |
Hamm |
[0898] Then what is it? |
Clov |
[0899] (looking). [0900] It's grey. [0901] (Lowering the glass, turning towards Hamm, louder.) [0902] Grey! [0903] (Pause. [0904] Still louder.) [0905] GRREY! |
[0906] He gets down, approaches Hamm from behind, whispers in his ear.
Hamm |
[0907] (starting). [0908] Grey! [0909] Did I hear you say grey? |
Clov |
Hamm |
[0912] You exaggerate!
[0913] (Pa |
[0915] Clov returns to his place beside the chair.
Clov |
[0916] Why this farce, day after day? |
Hamm |
[0917] Routine. [0918] You never know. [0919] (Pause.) [0920] Last night I saw inside my breast. [0921] There was a big sore. |
Clov |
[0922] Pah! You saw your heart. |
Hamm |
[0923] No, it was living.
[0923|001] |
Clov |
[0927] Yes. |
Hamm |
[0928] What's happening? |
Clov |
[0929] Something is taking its course. |
[0930] Pause.
[0931] Clov. |
Clov |

Hamm |
[0934] We're not beginning something? |
Clov |
[0935] Mean something! [0936] You and I, mean something! [0937] (Brief laugh.) [0938] Ah that's a good one! |
Hamm |
[0939] I wonder.
[0940] (Pause.)
[0941] |
Clov |
[0949] (with anguish, scratching himself). [0950] I have a flea! |
Hamm |
Clov |
[0952|001] |
Hamm |
[0955] (very |
Clov |
[0958] I'll go and get the powder. |
[0959] Exit Clov.
Hamm |
[0963] Enter Clov, with a sprinkling-tin.
Clov |
[0964] I'm back again, with the insecticide. |
Hamm |
[0965] Let him have it! |
[0966] Clov loosens the top of his trousers, pulls its forward and shakes powder into the aperture.
[0967] He stoops, looks, waits, starts, frenziedly shakes more powder, stoops, looks, waits.
Clov |
[0968] The bastard! |
Hamm |
[0969] Did you get him? |
Clov |
[0970] Looks like it.
[0970|001] |
Hamm |
[0973] Laying! [0974] Lying, you mean. [0975] Unless he's lying low. |
Clov |
[0976] Ah! [0977] One says lying? [0978] One doesn't say laying? |
Hamm |
[0979] Use your head, can't you. [0980] If he was laying we'd be bitched. |
Clov |
[0980|001] Ah! [0981] (Pause.) [0982] What about that pee? |

[0982|001] Pause.
[0982|002] |
Hamm |
[0982|003] |
Clov |
[0984] Ah that's the spirit, that's the spirit |
[0985] Pause.
Hamm |
[0986] (with ardour).
[0987] Let's |
Clov |
[0991] God forbid! |
Hamm |
[0992] Alone, I'll |
Clov |
[0995] (hastening towards the door). [0996] I'll start straight away. |
Hamm |
[0997] Wait!
[0998] (Clov halts.)
[0999] Will there we |
Clov |
[1000] Sharks?
[1000|001] |
[1003] He goes towards the door.
Hamm |
[1004] Wait!
[1005] (Clov halts.)
[1006] It is not yet time for my |
Clov |
[1009] He goes towards the door.
Hamm |
Clov |
[1013] Bad. |
Hamm |
[1014] But you can see? |
Clov |
[1015] Sufficiently. |
Hamm |
[1016] How are your legs? |
Clov |
[1017] Bad. |
Hamm |
[1018] But you can walk. |
Clov |
[1019] I come...and go. |
Hamm |
[1020] In my house.
[1021] (Pause.
[1022] With prophetic relish.)
[1023] One day you'll be blind.
[1024] Like me.
[1025] You'll be |

[1035] them again there'll be no wall any more.
[1036] (Pause.)
[1037] Infinitive emptiness will be all around you, all the resurrected dead of all the ages wouldn't fill it, and there you'll b |
[1040] Pause.
Clov |
[1041] It's not certain. [1042] (Pause.) [1043] And there's something you forget. |
Hamm |
[1044] Ah? |
Clov |
[1045] I can't sit down. |
Hamm |
[1046] (impatiently).
[1047] Well |
[1051] Pause.
Clov |
[1052] So you all want me to leave you. |
Hamm |
[1053] Naturally. |
Clov |
[1054] Then I'll leave you. |
Hamm |
[1055] You can't leave us. |
Clov |
[1056] Then I won't leave you. |
[1057] Pause.
Hamm |
[1058] Why don't you finish us? [1059] (Pause.) [1060] I'll give you the combination of the larder if you promise to finish me. |
Clov |
[1061] I couldn't finish you. |
Hamm |
[1062] Then you won't finish me. |
[1063] Pause.
Clov |
[1064] I'll leave you, I have things to do. |
Hamm |
[1065] Do you remember |
Clov |
Hamm |
[1068] Do you remember your father? |
Clov |
[1069] ( |
Hamm |
[1073] I love the old questions.
[1074] (With fervour.)
[1075] Ah the old questions, the old answers, |
Clov |
[1078] Yes. [1079] (He looks at Hamm fixedly.) [1080] You were that to me. |

Hamm |
[1081] |
Clov |
[1082] Yes. [1083] (He looks about him.) [1084] This was that for me. |
Hamm |
[1085] (proudly).
[1086] |
[1088] Pause.
Clov |
[1089] I'll leave you. |
Hamm |
[1090] Did you ever think of one thing? |
Clov |
[1091] Never. |
Hamm |
[1092] That here we're down in a hole.
[1093] (Pause. |
Clov |
[1106] I can't go very far. [1107] (Pause.) [1108] I'll leave you. |
Hamm |
[1109] Is my dog ready? |
Clov |
[1110] He lacks a leg. |
Hamm |
[1111] Is he silky? |
Clov |
[1112] He's a kind of Pom |
Hamm |
[1113] Go and get him. |
Clov |
[1114] He lacks a leg. |
Hamm |
[1115] Go and get him! [1116] (Exit Clov.) [1117] We're getting on. |
[1119] Enter Clovn, holding by one of its three legs a black toy dog.
Clov |
[1120] Your dogs are here. |
[1121] He hands th gives the dog to Hamm who feels it, fiondles it.
Hamm |
[1122] He's white, isn't he? |
Clov |
[1123] Nearly. |
Hamm |
[1124] What do you mean, nearly? [1125] Is he white or isn't he? |
Clov |
[1126] He isn't. |
[1127] Pause.
Hamm |
[1128] You've forgotten |
Clov |
[1129] (vexed). [1130] But he isn't finished. [1131] The sex goes on at the end. |
[1132] Pause.
Hamm |
[1133] You haven't put on his ribbon. |
Clov |
[1134] (angrily). [1135] But he isn't finished, I tell you! [1136] First you finish your dog, and then you put on his ribbon. |
[1137] Pause.
MS. Pages: | 01r - 05r | 06r - 10r | 11r - 15r | 16r - 20r | 21r - 25r | 26r - 30r | 31r - 35r | 36r - 40r | 41r - 42v |