[p. 03v]
addition 2→ DOODLE 3
[2156] [p. 04r] This eye, strange that this eye attracts demands invites
attention inspection , begs [for] solicits interest
begs to be helped, [for] sympathy, [calls] for
attention, solicits interest, impl begs
for demands sympathy
solicits attention
implores help
This eye, strange how this eye invites inspection,
demands sympathy, solicits attention, implores help assistance, to do what, it's not
clear, to weep no stop weeping, look [to]
see, [blaze] briefly and be closed. [2157] [xxx] It's it
you see and it alone, in this face, it you start
from to look for face, it you come back to
having found nothing, nothing worth while,
nothing but a kind of ashen smear, perhaps
it's long grey hair, hanging in a tangle about
the mouth, greasy with old tears, or the
fringe of a [tattered] ragged mantle spread like a veil,
or fingers opening and closing to try and shut
out the world, or all together, fingers, hair
and rags, inextricably mingled. [2158] Suppositions
all equally senseless, it's enough to enounce
them, to regret having spoken, familiar
feeling, an other a different past, it's often desirable,
to be wished, a different past from yours, when
you find it out. [2159] He is hairless, naked, and
his hands, resting flat on his knees, are in [xx] no
danger of mischief resting flat on his knees for
once and for all, are in no danger of getting
into mischief. [2160] Then where is the face? [2161] Balls, all
balls, I don't believe in the eye either, there's
nothing here, nothing to see, nothing that sees,
that's a blessed coincidence, when you think what
it would be, a world without a looker-on, and
vice versa, brrr! [2162] No spectator then, and
what is more no spectacle, good riddance. [2163]
If this noise would stop there'd be nothing more to
say. [2164] I wonder what the chat is about just now. [2165]
Worm presumably. [2166] Mahood is abandoned. [2167] [And]
[my turn hasn't come.] I await my turn. [2168] Yes,
[I do not despair] I do not despair, all
things considered, of drawing their attention
to my case, some day. [2169] Not that it offers the
least interest, what hey, something wrong there,
not that it is particularly interesting, agreed,
I've agreed, but it's my turn, I too have the
right to recognized as impossible. [2170] This will never
end, [there's no point] there's no point in
codding oneself, yes it will, they'll see,
after me it will be [over] ended, they'll desist,
they'll say, All that doesn't exist, we've
[have] been told a lot of lies, he's been told
a lot of lies, who he, the master, by whom,
no one knows, the eternal third party, he's
the one responsible for this state of affairs, the
master has no [place] in it, neither have they,
neither have I, least of all I, [we] should never
we were foolish to [xxx xxx] blame one another,
the master me, them, himself, they me, the
master, themselves, I them, the master,
myself, we are all innocent, enough.