[p. 10v] addition 2→ DOODLE 23
[1324] [p. 11r] be rosy. [1325] Worm, Worm, just the three of us,
and come what may. [1326] It seems to me besides
that I must already have already made, contrary to what it
seems to me I must have already said, some
efforts in that direction. [1327] I should have noted
them, xxx if only in my head. [1328] But Worm
cannot note. [1329] There at least is a first
affirmation, that is to sa I mean negation,
on which to build. [1330] Worm cannot note. [1331]
Can Mahood note? [1332] That's it, weave, weave. [1333]
Yes, it is the p characteristic (among others)
of Mahood to note, even if he does not
always succeed, certain things, indeed all
things, in such so as to turn them to account,
for his governance. [1334] And in fact indeed we have
seen him do so, in the yard, in his jar, in a
sense. [1335] I knew it wd. be enough for me
to try and talk of Worm to begin talking
of Mahood, with more felicity and understanding than ever. [1336] How close to me he suddenly
seems, squinting up at the medals of the
hippophagist Decroix. [1337] It is the hour of the
apéritif, already people halt, to read the
menu. [1338] Charming hour, particularly when,
it as sometimes happens, it is that of the
setting sun whose last rays, raking the
street from end to end, xxx xxx lend
to my monument an interminable shadow,
astride the astraddle the gutter and the
sidewalk. [1339] There was a time I used to contemplate it, when I was freer than now to
turn my head to turn my xx head than I am
now, since they put on my collar. [1340] Then I knew
that there, far down there far from me, my
head was lying and people walking treading xx on it,
and on my flies, which x went on gliding
none the less, prettily on the ground. [1341] And
I saw the people coming towards me, all
along my shadow, followed by long faithful
trembling shadows. [1342] For sometimes I confuse
myself with my shadow, and sometimes I don't. [1343]
And sometimes I don't confuse myself with
my jar, and sometimes do. [1344] It all depends
what mood we're in. [1345] And often I went on
looking, without flinching, until, ceasing to
be, I ceased to see. [1346] Delicious instant truly,
coinciding from time to time, as already
observed, with that of the apéritif. [1347] But
this joy, which for my part I should have
thought harmless, and without danger for
the public, is something I have had to go
without, since I xx they put on my collar,
xxx which maintains my face turned towards
the railings, just above the menu, for the
customer must be for it is indispensable that
the customer should be able to compose his
meal without the risk of being run over.