MS. Pages: | 01r - 05r | 06r - 06r |

[place = margin top] for
Reading University
Sam. Beckett
[place = margin top] Nolan
[0001] Stage in darkness but for
MOUTH, upstage audience right, about 8' above stage level, faintly lit from close up and below, rest of face in shadow. Invisible microphone.
[0002] AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure, sex undeterminable, enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba with hood, fully faintly lit, standing on o [place = overwritten] invisible podium about 4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally across stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for four brieg [place = overwritten] f movements where indicated. See Note 1.
[0003] As house lights down MOUTH's voice unintelligible behind curtain. House lights out. Voice continues unintelligible behind curtain, 10 seconds. With rise of curtain ad-libbing from text as required leading when curtain fully up and attention sufficient into
[0004] ..out..into this world..this world..tin |

[0008] what position she was in!..whether standing..or sitting..but the brain - [place = margin left] p |

[0013] sound..not any sound of any kind.. |

[0021] contortions without speech possible..and yet in the ordinary way..not felt at intent one is..on what one is saying..the whole being..hanging on its that not only she had..had she..not only had she to give up..admit hers alone..her voice alone[0022]..but this other |

[0027] on and off.. |
MS. Pages: | 01r - 05r | 06r - 06r |