MS. Pages: | 01r - 05r | 06r - 10r | 11r - 15r | 16r - 20r | 21r - 25r | 26r - 30r | 31r - 35r | 36r - 40r | 41r - 42v |

[1440] came crawling |

[1526] earth, there's no cure for that!
[1527] (Pause.)
[1528] It was an excessively dry day, I remember, zer |
Nagg |
[1579] M |
Clov |
[1580] There's a rat in the kitchen! |
Hamm |
Clov |
[1583] In the kitchen there's one. |
Hamm |
[1584] And you haven't extirminated |
Clov |
Hamm |
[1587] He can't get away? |
Clo |
[1588] No. |
Hamm |
[1589] You'll finish him later |
Clov |
[1591] Again? |
Nagg |
[1592] M |
Hamm |
[1593] God first!
[1594] (Pause.)
[1595] Are you |
Clov |
Nagg |
[1600] (clasping his hands, closing his eyes, in a gabble). [1601] Our Father which art - |

Hamm |
[1602] Silence!
[1603] In silence!
[1604] |
Clov |
[1610] (abandoning his attitude) [1611] What a hope! [1612] And you? |
Hamm |
[invert] [1613] Sweet damn all! [1614] (To Nagg.) [1615] And you? |
Nagg |
[1616] Wait!
[1617] (Pause.
[1618] |
Hamm |
Clov |
[1622] Not yet. |
Nagg |
[1623] M |
Hamm |
[1624] There are no more sugar-plums! |
[1625] Pause.
Nagg |
[1626] It's natural.
[1627] After all I'm your father.
[1628] It's true if it hadn't been me it would have been someone else.
[1651] Paus
[1656] Pause. [1657] Nagg |
Hamm |
[1659] Our revels now are ended. [1660] (He gropes for the dog.) [1661] The dog's gone. |
Clov |
[1662] He's not a real dog, he can't go. |
Hamm |
Clov |
[1665] He's lain down. |
Hamm |
[1666] Give him up to me.
[1667] |
Clov |
[1674] Putting things in order. [1675] (He straightens up. [1676] With enthusiasm.) [1677] I'm going to clear everything away! |
[1678] HHe starts picks picking up again.

Hamm |
[1679] Order! |
Clov |
[1680] |
[1684] He starts picking up again.
Hamm |
[1685] (exasperated). [1686] What in God's name do you think you are doing? |
Clov |
[1687] (straightening up). [1688] I'm doing my best to create a little order. |
Hamm |
[1689] Drop it! |
[1690] Clov drops the objects he has picked up.
Clov |
[1691] After all, there or elsewhere. |
[1692] He goes towards the door.
Hamm |
Clov |
[1695] My feet? |
Hamm |
[1696] Tramp! Tramp! |
Clov |
[1697] I must have put on my boots. |
Hamm |
[1698] Your slippers were hurting you? |
[1699] Pause.
Clov |
[1700] I'll leave you. |
Hamm |
[1701] No! |
Clov |
[1702] What's there to keep me here? |
Hamm |
[1703] The dialogue.
[1704] (Pause.)
[1705] I've got on with my story.
[1706] (Pause.)
[1707] I've got on |
Clov |
[1710] Oh, by the way, your story? |
Hamm |
Clov |
[1713] The one you've been telling yourself all |
Hamm |
[1714] Ah you mean my chronicle? |
Clov |
[1715] That's the one. |
[1716] Pause.
Hamm |
[1717] (angrily).
[1718] Keep |
Clov |
[1719] You've got on with it, I hope. |
Hamm |
[1720] (modestly).
[1721] Oh not very far, not very far.
[1722] (He sighs |

[1729] I've got on with it a little all the same.
[1730] (Pause.)
[1731] Technique, you know.
[1731|001] |
Clov |
[1735] (admirngly). [1736] Well I'll be...! [1737] In spite of everything you were able to get on with it! |
Hamm |
[1738] (modestly). [1739] Oh not very far, you know, not very far, but nevertheless, better than nothing. |
Clov |
Hamm |
[1742] I'll tell you how it goes. [1743] He comes crawling on his belly - |
Clov |
[1744] Who? |
Hamm? |
[1745] What? |
Clov |
[1746] Who do you mean, he? |
Hamm |
Clov |
Hamm |
[1751] Crawling on his belly, whining for bread for his brat. |
Clov |
[1756] A job as gardener! |
Hamm |
[1757] Is that what makes you laugh? |
Clov |
[1758] It must be that. |
Hamm |
[1759] It wouldn't be the bread? |
Clov |
[1760] Or the brat. |
[1761] Pause.
Hamm |
[1762] The whole thing is droll, I grant you that. [1763] What about having a good guffaw the two of us together? |
Clov |
[1764] (after reflexion). [1765] I couldn't guffaw again to-day. |
Hamm |
[1766] |
Clov |
[1771] What age? |
Hamm |
[1772] Oh |
Clov |
[1773] |
Hamm |
[1774] All the little odd jobs. |
Clov |
[1775] And then he would have grown up. |
Hamm |
[1776] Very likely. |
MS. Pages: | 01r - 05r | 06r - 10r | 11r - 15r | 16r - 20r | 21r - 25r | 26r - 30r | 31r - 35r | 36r - 40r | 41r - 42v |