MS. Pages: | 01r - 05r | 06r - 06r |

[0001] May (M), dishevelled grey hair, worn grey wrap hiding feet, trailing.
[0002] Woman's voice (V) from dark upstage.
[0003] Strip: downstage, parallel with front, length nine steps, width one metre, a little off centre audience right.
DIAGRAM 1[0004] Pacing: starting with right foot (r) from audience right (R) to left (L), with left foot (l) from L to R.
[0005] Turn: rightabout at L, leftabout at R.
[0006] Steps: clearly audible rhythmic tread.
[0007] Lighting: dim, strongest at floor level, less on body, least on head.
[0008] Voices: both low and slow throughout.
[0009] Curtain. [0010] Stage in darkness.
[0011] Faint single chime. [0012] Pause as echoes die.
[0013] Fade up to dim on strip. [0014] Rest in darkness.
[0015] M discovered pacing towards L. [0016] Turns at L, paces three more lengths, halts facing front at R.
[0017] Pause.
M |
[0018] Mother. [0019] (Pause. [0020] No louder.) [0021] Mother. |
[0022] Pause.
V |
[0023] Yes, May. |
M |
[0024] Were you asleep? |
V |
[0025] Deep asleep. [0026] (Pause.) [0027] I heard you in my deep sleep. [0028] (Pause.) [0029] There is no sleep so deep I would not hear you there. [0030] (Pause. [0031] M resumes pacing. [0032] Four lengths. [0033] After first length, synchronous with steps.) [0034] One two three four five six seven eight nine wheel one two three four five six seven eight nine wheel. [0035] (Free.) [0036] Will you not try to snatch a little sleep? |
[0037] M halts facing front at R. [0038] Pause.
M |
[0039] Would you like me to inject you again? |
V |
[0040] Yes, but it is too soon. |
[0041] Pause.

M |
[0042] Would you like me to change your position again? |
V |
[0043] Yes, but it is too soon. |
[0044] Pause.
M |
[0045] Straighten your pillows? [0046] (Pause.) [0047] Change your drawsheet? [0048] (Pause.) [0049] Pass you the bedpan? [0050] (Pause.) [0051] The warming-pan? [0052] (Pause.) [0053] Dress your sores? [0054] (Pause.) [0055] Sponge you down? [0056] (Pause.) [0057] Moisten your poor lips? [0058] (Pause.) [0059] Pray with you? [0060] (Pause.) [0061] For you? [0061|001] (Pause) [0061|002] Again. |
[0062] Pause.
V |
[0063] Yes, but it is too soon. |
[0064] Pause. [0064|001] M resumes pacing. [0064|002] After one length halts facing front at L. [0064|003] Pause.
M |
[0065] What age am I now? |
V |
[0066] And I? [0067] (Pause. [0068] No louder.) [0069] And I? |
M |
[0070] Ninety. |
V |
[0071] So much? |
M |
[0072] Eighty-nine, ninety. |
V |
[0073] I had you late. [0074] (Pause.) [0075] In life. [0076] (Pause.) [0077] Forgive me again. [0078] (Pause.) [0080] Forgive me again. |
[0081] Pause.
M |
[0082] What age am I now? |
V |
[0083] In your forties. |
M |
[0084] So little? |
V |
[0085] I'm afraid so. [0086] (Pause. [0087] M resumes pacing. [0088] After first turn at R.) [0089] May. [0090] (Pause. [0091] No louder.) [0092] May. |
M |
V |
[0095] Will you never have done? [0096] (Pause.) [0097] Will you never have done...revolving it all? |
M |
[0099] [0099|001] (halting). [0099|002] It? |
V |
[0100] It all. [0101] (Pause.) [0102] In your poor mind. [0103] (Pause.) [0104] It all. [0105] (Pause.) [0106] It all. |
[0106|001] Pause. [0107] M resumes pacing. [0109] Fade out on strip. [0110] All in darkness. [0111] Steps cease.
[0112] Pause.
[0113] Chime a little fainter. [0114] Pause for echoes.
[0115] Fade up to a little less on strip. [0116] Rest in darkness.
[0117] M discovered facing front at R.
[0118] Pause.

V |
[0119] I walk here now. [0120] (Pause.) [0121] Rather I come and stand.
[0122] (Pause.) [0123] At nightfall. |
[0190] M continues pacing. [0192] Fade out on strip. [0193] All in darkness. [0194] Steps cease.
[0195] Pause.
[0196] Chime a little fainter still. [0197] Pause for echoes.
[0198] Fade up to a little less still on strip. [0199] Rest in darkness.
[0200] M discovered facing front at R.
[0201] Pause.
M |
[0202] Sequel. [0203] A little later, when she was quite forgotten, she began to - . [0204] (Pause.) [0205] A little later, when as though she had never been, it never been, she began to walk. [0206] (Pause.) [0207] At nightfall. [0208] (Pause.) [0209] Slip out at nightfall and into the little church by the north door, always |

M |
[0209] locked at that hour, and walk, up and down, up and down, His poor arm. [0210] (Pause.) [0211] Some nights she would halt, as one frozen by some shudder of the mind, and stand stark still till she could move again. [0211|001] (Pause.) [0212] But many also were the nights when she paced without pause, up and down, up and down, before vanishing the way she came. [0213] (Pause.) [0214] No sound. [0215] (Pause.) [0216] None at [0216] least to be heard. [0217] (Pause. [0220] Begins pacing. [0221] Steps a little slower still. [0222] After two lengths halts facing front at R. [0223] Pause.) [0218] The semblance. [0219] (Pause.) [0224] Faint, though by no means invisible. [0225] (Pause.) [0225|001] In a certain light. [0225|002] (Pause.) [0226] Given the right light. [0227] (Pause.) [0228] Grey rather than white, a pale shade of grey. [0229] (Pause.) [0230] Tattered. [0231] (Pause.) [0232] A tangle of tatters. [0233] (Pause.) [0234] A faint tangle of pale grey tatters. [0235] (Pause.) [0236] Watch it [0236] pass - (pause) - watch her pass before the candelabrum, how its flames, their light, like moon through passing ...rack. [0237] (Pause.) [0238] Soon then after she was gone, as though never there, began to walk, up and down, up and down, that poor arm. [0239] (Pause.) [0240] At nightfall. [0241] (Pause.) [0242] That is to say, at certain seasons of the year, during Vespers. [0243] (Pause.) [0244] Necessarily. [0245] (Pause. [0246] Resumes pacing. [0247] After one length halts facing front at L. [0248] Pause.) [0249] Old [0249] Mrs Winter, whom the reader will remember, old Mrs Winter, one late autumn Sunday evening, on sitting down to supper with her daughter after worship, after a few half-hearted mouthfuls laid down her knife and fork and bowed her head. [0250] What is it, Mother, said the daughter, a most strange girl, though scarcely a girl any more...(brokenly)... dreadfully un - ... [0251] (Pause. [0252] Normal voice.) [0253] What is [0253] it, Mother, are you not feeling yourself? [0254] (Pause.) [0255] Mrs W. did not at once reply. [0256] But finally, raising her head and fixing Amy - the daughter's given name, as the reader will remember - raising her head and fixing Amy full in the eye she said - (pause) - she murmured, fixing Amy full in the eye she murmured, Amy. [0256] (Pause. No louder.) Amy. (Pause.) Amy: Yes, Mother. Mrs W: Amy, did you observe anything...strange at Evensong? [0257] Amy: No, Mother, I did not. [0258] Mrs W: Perhaps it was just my fancy. [0259] Amy: Just what exactly, Mother, did you perhaps fancy it was? [0260] (Pause.) [0261] Just what exactly, Mother, did you perhaps fancy this...strange thing was you observed? [0263] Mrs W: You yourself observed nothing...strange? [0264] Amy: No, Mother, I myself did not, to put it mildly. [0265] Mrs W: What do you mean, Amy, to put it mildly, what can you possibly mean, Amy, to put it mildly? [0266] Amy: I mean, Mother, that to say I observed nothing...strange is indeed to put it mildly, [0267] for I observed nothing of any kind, strange or otherwise. [0268] I saw nothing, heard nothing, of any kind. [0269] I was not there. [0270] Mrs W: Not there? [0271] Amy: Not there. [0272] Mrs W: But I |

M |
[0272] heard you respond. [0273] (Pause.) [0274] I heard you say Amen. [0275] (Pause.) [0276] How could you have responded if you were not there? [0277] (Pause.) [0278] How could you possibly have said Amen if, as you claim, you were not there? [0279] (Pause.) [0280] The love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all, now, and for evermore. [0281] Amen. [0282] (Pause.) [0283] I heard [0283] you distinctly. [0284] (Pause. [0285] Resumes pacing. [0286] After four steps halts without facing front. [0287] Pause. [0288] Resumes pacing, halts facing front at R. [0289] Pause.) [0290] Amy. [0291] (Pause. [0292] No louder.) [0293] Amy. [0294] (Pause.) [0295] Yes, Mother. [0296] (Pause.) [0297] Will you never have done? [0298] (Pause.) [0299] Will you never have done ...revolving it all. [0300] (Pause.) [0301] It? [0302] (Pause.) [0303] It all. [0304] (Pause.) [0305] In your poor mind. [0306] (Pause.) [0307] It all. [0308] (Pause.) [0309] It all. |
[0310] Pause. [0311] Fade out on strip. [0312] All in darkness.
[0313] Pause.
[0314] Chime even a little fainter still. [0315] Pause for echoes.
[0316] Fade up to even a little less still on strip.
[0317] No trace of May.
[0318] Hold ten seconds.
[0319] Fade out.
[0320] Curtain.
MS. Pages: | 01r - 05r | 06r - 06r |